Friday, August 31, 2012

Preggo Stats--24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks
Total weight gain: +1 1/2 lbs (We went to the doctor and found out I dropped another pound and a half)
How big is baby: The size of a cantaloupe! (Between 1-2lbs according to the doctor)
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
24 Weeks
Sleep: This past week has been much better!
Best moment this week: Getting off early to go to the doctor's appointment with Adam!
Movement: Heck yes! I've been feeling those little punches/kicks more and more!
Food cravings: A big fat juicy cheeseburger--thanks for making that happen Hazel ;-)
Food aversions: None. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Getting home from work at a decent time.
What I'm not loving: Still pulling long hours at work, but I know it'll pay off once the baby is here!
What I’m looking forward to: Having a three day weekend, thank you Labor Day!!!
What I'm loving: The fact that I am feeling this little fella more and more!
Milestone(s): We got the crib!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 24

Can you believe it?! We've made it to 24 weeks! This is an amazing accomplishment because from this point forward, with medical intervention of course, baby boy can live on his own outside the womb! We're super excited and thankful that God has brought us this far, and yes we're starting to feel more movement/kicks as baby boy continues to get stronger and bigger!
Courtesy of

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sick & Pregnant

With school in full swing this also means that germs are in full swing as well. Unfortunately for me, I've caught one of those delightful bugs--not a virus, just a cold/sinus infection. I'm going to the baby doc tomorrow and I'm hoping he'll give me the green flag for some meds I can take, but if he raises a red flag, please say a prayer this mess will go away soon. Teaching high schoolers, on top of being pregnant and sick is not fun.

Monday, August 27, 2012

We Did It!

We finally dragged our tails out the door and up to Roanoke with my parents to put together the baby registry at Babies R' Us! It took just over a whopping 3 hours, but we survived, and in the words of my husband, "That wasn't too bad, and it was fun!" I never thought I'd hear those words escape out of his mouth. In fact, it was a good thirty minutes as we were sitting down to dinner that he mentioned how wore out he was from all that "shopping." I laughed and said, "Shopping?! We didn't shop, we didn't buy the first baby item in that store." His response, "Yeah well we stood around and looked at stuff, so that's shopping to me." I gotta laugh at my hubbs and I've got to say how proud I am that on his day off he took the time to get this thing nailed down. Thanks Adam! I love you!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Preggo Stats--Week 23

How far along: 23 weeks
Total weight gain: +3 lbs (I go back to the doctor next week so we'll see how much more I've gained!)
How big is baby: The size of a grapefruit.
Maternity Clothes: Yep! I need to find a pair of jeans I can wear on the weekends so I don't freeze me and this little fella! 
Sleep: Still kind up and down; and I'm still getting up to pee regularly each night.
Best moment this week: Adam and I were able to spend the weekend together!! He was off Saturday & Sunday! And going to my cousin Ashley's baby shower, it was sooo neat and exciting! Makes me excited and anxious for ours!
Movement: Yep, getting stronger and stronger!
Food cravings: Pancakes--thanks Adam for fixing me some!
Food aversions: Pickles...this is ironic, I know. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Having consistent time off with Adam.
What I'm not loving: Still pulling long hours at work, but I know it'll pay off once the baby is here!
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing the basement and beginning to work on the nursery!
What I'm loving: The beginning of cooler weather and that fall is right around the corner!!!
Milestone(s): We finally put a registry together and had a lot of fun doing so!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 23

Baby boy is now the size of a grapefruit which is crazy big considering it was a few weeks he was the size of a grape! It's amazing to think that everything's formed, and for the most part is filling in now. Our "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book indicated that his skin is saggy and that slowly the fat his body will build up over the next few weeks will start to make his translucent body disappear and he'll appear more "baby" like. And he can definitely hear noises as he's starting to move more and more when I'm around my students at school.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Day of School

August 13, 2012
Ok so technically the first day of school was last week, but better late than never, right?! Well as you can tell, I was pretty pumped and excited, ready for the first day to begin! However, as the time drew near for the first block bell to ring, I had a student come out in the hallway to tell me that he could not sit in the seat I had assigned him. He went on to explain that he and the boy he was near did not get along. I told the young man to remain in the hallway with me until the bell rang and when we walked in the classroom together he was to get his belongings and move to the opposite side of the classroom. Well, no sooner did we walk in together than the other boy start up with some sleazy comments. I can't quite remember what was said, but I knew I couldn't allow me or this baby to get stressed out. So, I told the young man I previously spoke to go out in the hallway, where we went across the hall to see Office Acord (our SRO) who kindly handled the situation for me. By the end of that first block that boy had been removed and transferred into another class. Needless to say that first five minutes had me somewhat shaken up for the rest of the day. By the time my class arrived, I was exhausted; unfortunately, that class is my World History I course which is full of freshmen--lots of 14 & 15 year olds. And you'd think after lunch they'd be calm, but they are always ready to go, full of energy! I'd like to say this group isn't a handful, but that'd be a lie. So please, say a pray for me! The rest of the week went by pretty fast, but it was also exhausting. Hopefully with procedures and rules in place and with the kids becoming more familiar to me and vice versa, things will start to calm down! Until then, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the rest of my weekend!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 22

Wow, I can't believe we've made it to 22 weeks, pretty soon we'll be waving goodbye to the second trimester and welcoming the third! When we had our anatomy/second trimester ultrasound two weeks ago, we were told that our little boy was about 12oz, so he's probably at least and possibly over 1 lb which is hard to imagine! Less than 18 weeks til DD (due date) and 20 at max to go! Praise the Lord!
Courtesy of

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 20 of Prayer: Guidance

Proverbs 1:1-7 says
The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
for gaining wisdom and instruction;
    for understanding words of insight;
for receiving instruction in prudent behavior,
    doing what is right and just and fair;
for giving prudence to those who are simple,[a]
    knowledge and discretion to the young—
let the wise listen and add to their learning,
    and let the discerning get guidance—
for understanding proverbs and parables,
    the sayings and riddles of the wise.[b]
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
    but fools[c] despise wisdom and instruction.

Fearing You, trusting You, listening to You, and reading Your Word gives us guidance and understanding. And we know that guidance provides discretion, discernment, and wisdom. As our little one grows from a boy to a man, direct his steps. May he not be foolish or selfish, and may we as parents put Your kingdom above this world at all times, so he too will gain understanding and guidance about what is really important. Thank you for giving Your Son. May we gain guidance from his examples of the live he lived on earth, for without Him we would never know You.

**Next day here**

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Preggo Stats--Week 22

How far along: 22 weeks
Total weight gain: I haven't been weighed since being to the doctor so I'm sure it's still +3 lbs (and is probably more at this point)
How big is baby: The size of a papaya
Maternity Clothes: You betcha!
Sleep: The sleep comes as goes as far as being good and bad. I have been waking up regularly (around 1:45am) to get up and pee and I usually wake up another two hours after that but then I'm able to go back to sleep until the alarm wakes me up for school. 
Best moment this week: Continuing to feel our little fella move!
Movement: Yep, getting stronger and stronger!
Food cravings: None really. 
Food aversions: Mexican (which is sad because it's my favorite)! 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Summer break!
What I'm not loving: Pulling long hours at school (Even though we just began, I've been working most days between 10 - 11 1/2 hours--I have to work longer because I'm trying to get everything ready for the long term sub when I'm out on maternity leave which means I'm being really picky and OCD about lesson plans, etc.)
What I’m looking forward to: Finally putting together a registry!
What I'm loving: I got an A- in my summer course and I'm not taking classes this fall--it'll be nice to only focus on teaching and this little fella :-)
Milestone(s): Learning to not commit to everything!

Day 19 of Prayer: Uncles

1 Samuel 20:42
42 Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever. ’” Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town.[a]

Lately I've noticed that when Adam and I have been out and about at any mall or department store there are a plethora of onesies that say, "I Love Auntie" but there's no such loving for the uncles! Yesterday I praised the grandparents our children will have and today I want to share how thankful I am for our children's uncles; mine and Adam's brothers.

Adam and I have three brothers: my brother Nathan, and Adam's two brothers, Luke and Joel. Each of these men have a heart and service for the Lord. They have the qualities and characteristics of godly men whose presence our son will be surrounded by, and we couldn't be more pleased! Although Jonathan and David were close friends, and not brothers, the concept that these two as brothers-in-Christ would continue to honor and watch out for the others family/descendants is exactly what we expect and know our brothers will do for us. We are blessed beyond measure to have brothers that drive long distances to see us, help with house projects, and give in any way shape or form they can. Praise God for brothers/uncles!

I am reminded that you provide us with friends who are there for one another, especially those whom we need spiritually. The friendship Jonathan and David had was as close as brothers, but more importantly than that, they were friends/brothers in Christ. How precious the gift of brothers and friendships are. We praise you for the men that our brothers have become and we ask that the relationships they have with us, each other, You, and our son will be encouraging and uplifting always. May our son learn and grow up to adore his uncles and be encouraged to live like them, putting You first.

**Next day here**

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 18 of Prayer: Grandparents

1 Timothy 5:4 

But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.

Thank you for our son's grandparents! Adam and I praise Your name for the parents You blessed us with. We are grateful and gracious to have parents that taught us about You, Your Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit through the reading of Your Word. We seek to honor them by following their example. Help us to teach our children and to direct them as our parents did for us. May each of our parents' lives be long and rich by the blessing of having grandchildren. We pray our children will learn to listen and love them, gaining knowledge and wisdom from the example they serve. And may Adam and I be strong and faithful just as they were and continue to be. We love You and praise You for the gift of grandparents.

**Next day here**

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 17 of Prayer: Fatherhood

Deuteronomy 5:16
“Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

Proverbs 4:1
Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction;
pay attention and gain understanding.

I praise Your name for the work that You have done in mine and Adam's lives. I thank You for the marriage we have and for the husband you gave me. He is kind, generous, thoughtful, patient, giving, funny, sweet, and works so very hard to provide for us and our little one. Though he is not loud or especially outgoing, he leads by example and by humility. I ask that You be with him in this journey of fatherhood, prepare him. Continue to speak to him through the teaching and reading of Your Word. May he seek Your will always and lead our family by honoring You first. 
And please be with me, as an encourager and as his help-mate to be there for him. Please guide him and direct him as he raises our children. May they honor and listen to his instruction and discipline so that they will have prosperous lives, live long, and gain wisdom. And may we continue to strengthen our marriage during this time as we anxiously await our precious little one.

**Next day here**

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 16 of Prayer: Patience

James 1:19 says
19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry;

Colossians 1:9-11 says
 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[e] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience

You above all else stress the importance of patience. Anger and impatience does not bring about the righteousness you desire (James 1: 20). As the weeks pass, I am reminded that soon, Adam and I will be parents, too. Oh Lord, how we seek Your desire for righteousness by being patient and slow to anger. Help us as we strive to do our best in parenting. We know that there will be days of trials and tribulation; help us to be patient with our little one, remembering that losing our patience or becoming easily angered serves no purpose and helps no one. We look to the example of the patience Your Son bore while taking on the sins of this world. How precious it is that we can come to You because of Your Son; who brought about the righteousness You desire. Praise be to You!

**Next day here**

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Getting Back on Track

I told you I'd participate in a 40 days of prayer journey during this time of pregnancy. I have not forgotten about it, and perhaps this is something I should have disclosed from the beginning, but I'm posting on the forty days during the week, Monday thru Friday and enjoying the weekends with family and friends. However, last week I missed the entire week due to work. I went back and was not expecting the load of work. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband and department and we got through it together! So even though school is starting back up tomorrow, I will be getting back on track with the 40 days and I hope you'll continue to join me!

Preggo Stats--Week 21

How far along: 21 weeks
Total weight gain: I haven't been weighed since being to the doctor so I'm sure it's still +3 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a pomegranate!
Maternity Clothes: Yep! School starts next week and I can't wait to wear some of the cute career clothes I bought!
Sleep: Depends on the night; sometimes its great, other times not so much.
Best moment this week: Feeling little man move!
Movement: Yes, but not consistent or for very long. 
Food cravings: Chick-fil-a
Food aversions: Still Mexican!
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Summer, where did it go?!
What I'm not loving: That school starts back on Monday (August 13) 
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling baby boy kick and move more consistently and frequently!
What I'm loving: My summer class is finally over! And even though I'd like summer to last a little longer, I am organized with school and am officially ready to start!
Milestone(s): Feeling the baby officially move!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 21

Courtesy of
Can you believe how BIG our baby boy is getting?! He actually hit the 12oz mark at our last appointment on August 1st so hopefully he'll stay right on schedule and not get tooooo big; I have a couple of cute newborn onesies I'd like him to fit into. Other than that, I love the size that The Bump says he's at this week, because I love me some pomegranates, in fact I totally want one right now!!! Besides craving food we're finally starting to feel him, not consistently or frequently, but at least we're (well more so me than Adam) actually feeling him now!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Move Baby Move!!!

I can't believe it! I felt the baby move throughout the whole freshmen orientation meeting tonight! It was the most amazing experiences, and I'm not even quite sure how to explain it, but it was truly a wonderful gift from the Lord! Yay, thank you Father for this wonderful baby boy and all the joys of pregnancy!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Preggo Stats--Week 20

How far along: 20 weeks
Total weight gain: Up 3 lbs since the last time we were at the doctor's office
How big is baby: The size of a banana!
Maternity Clothes: Yep! Finally got another pair of shorts and they feel and fit great!
Sleep: Slightly getting worse; lots of tossing and turning.
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender--BOY!
Movement: Starting to feel him move!
Food cravings: Twizzlers
Food aversions: Mexican (it's my favorite, but I had it three meals in a row, there's only so much a girl can take and that was too much!!!)
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep and living closer to friends, family, and our old church!
What I'm not loving: Having to go back to work!
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling baby boy kick
What I'm loving:  the hubbs! It's true, it's like I can't get enough time with him :-)
Milestone(s): Finding out the sex of the baby

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 15 of Prayer: Purity

Psalm 119:9-12

How can a young person stay on the path of purity?
    By living according to your word.
10 I seek you with all my heart;
    do not let me stray from your commands.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart
    that I might not sin against you.
12 Praise be to you, Lord;
    teach me your decrees.

In a world consumed with identification and selfish gain, we seek truth and purity by remaining focused on Your word. Your word is faithful and true and never leads us astray. In hope of setting a Christ-like example, help us as parents to "live according to your word" -- help us to be doers, not just listeners (James 1:22-23) of it. Help us to live out daily the Word which is planted in us. We seek Your will and that as part of it, you'll help us to raise our son with a desire to serve You and remain focused on what is pure. We know what the world offers and how corrupt and depraved the heart of mankind is, we pray for the ability to protect our child as we show him what it means by spending time daily with You. You are to be praised always. For Yours is the kingdom, power, and glory, forever.

**Next day here**

Baby's Development - Week 20

Hopefully you tuned in for the gender reveal yesterday and found out that Baby Davis is a perfectly healthy BOY! It was the most wonderful experience watching our son move around on the ultrasound! He sure was wiggling and getting his dance party on that's for sure! I asked some girlfriends of mine what all do you gotta do to get that baby to spread its legs so you can tell if it is a he or a she, and most said caffeine, something cold to drink, or sugar. So, when the big day approached, Adam made me a glass of chocolate milk and that did the trick; so for all you mommas our there that's what I'd recommend! Other than that, we've officially made it to the halfway point in our pregnancy which is surreal. It seems like it was just yesterday we found out about little bun and now we can say that little bun is a boy! Time is flying by!
Courtesy of

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 14 of Prayer: Gender Reveal

Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    before you were born I set you apart;


Before our baby was formed, You knew the gender of our child and kow what kind of person our they will grow up to be, and as the parents of this child we dedicate HIM to the You. How wonderful it is and amazing it is that we  know who we are asking the Lord to set apart, praise the Lord for what He has done!

**Next day here**

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 13 of Prayer: Gender

I'm sure at some point you knew this verse would come up. It's very traditional when it comes to pregnancy and babies, but it certainly fits today so well. I blogged just a quick bit this morning about how I felt like a kid at Christmas--I woke up at 5:17am and couldn't fall back  to sleep because I was soooo excited about finding out the sex of the baby. So before tomorrow's big reveal, it's truly a blessing that at least for today, only our family will know, but be sure to stay tuned in tomorrow for the BIG reveal!

Psalm 139: 13-18
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand —when I awake, I am still with you.

Thank you for this child that you have blessed our family with. What a joy and an honor that we get to be parents to this specific child, one that You have knit together in my womb. Although You knew what this child was and what it looked like before our appointment today, we'd still like praise Your name for what a truly incredible experience, that we were able to see inside the womb and discover what You created. All is healthy and  well. Just like David says above, Your works are wonderful! We praise Your name for bringing this little one into our lives. How  precious indeed that You thought to give us such a gift. We love You and all  that Your Son did for us and what the works of the Holy Spirit continue to do!

**Next day here**

Like a Kid @ Christmas

I woke up over an hour ago. Most pregnant women are tucked away in their beds fast asleep, but not me! I'm toooo anxious (though I know that the Bible tells us not to be) because in just a few hours, we find out the sex of our baby! I feel like a kid at Christmas, who's so anxious about what's to come that they take forever to fall asleep and then their body is automatically programmed to wake up early because of the anxiousness. Yep, totally me right now! So while the rest of you are peacefully dreaming, I am up and at 'em getting listening to the birds crow and hope your day is long and fulfilling like I'm looking forward to mine being!!!