Sunday, September 30, 2012

Preggo Stats--28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain: 6+ lbs
How big is baby: The size of an eggplant!
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: Still getting up at least once and sometimes twice a night.
Best moment this week: We made it to the third trimester!!!
Movement: Oodles! 
Food cravings: Cereal (just about any kind)
Food aversions: None, just some of the same things I didn't like before I got pregnant.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: Still in
What I miss: Having consistent time off with Adam!
What I'm not loving: My 4th block World History I class--those kids don't know the meaning of discipline and good behavior!
What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery together!
What I'm loving: The weather--it's getting much cooler and feels more like fall!
Milestone(s): Passing the glucose tolerance test after getting a slightly elevated result from the glucose screening!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 28

Hallelujah! We've made it! Praise the Lord, we've made it to the third and final trimester! It's hard to believe that only a few short months ago we discovered we were gonna be parents, and now that day/time continues to get closer and closer! Most nights have been sleepless, but what little sleep I am getting involves dreaming about the birth of our little fella. I often imagine what he'll look like. And at our last doctor's visit, a lactation specialist came in to discuss with us the benefits of skin to skin contact when first born and the importance and benefits of breast feeding. I'm saving the rest of my anxious thoughts in another post, as for now, please read up on baby's boy development!

Courtesy of

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Preggo Stats--27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a rutabaga
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: I am up at least once a night; sometimes twice, but my body is finally adjusting to it, so it's not so bad
Best moment this week: (1) Mom and I finished the crib sheets, I'm now working on our little fella's shopping cart cover seat and curtains for the room. (2) I got a three day weekend with my wonderful husband and his amazing family whom we haven't seen in over a month and a half!
Movement: Yep!
Food cravings: Captain Crunch (for breakfast)
Food aversions: None, just some of the same things I didn't like before I got pregnant.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In, although it's getting more and more shallow (though I doubt it will actually "pop")
What I miss: Sleeping in--this body is determined that it'll be up by 7:30 each day, including weekends
What I'm not loving: Acid reflux, I had my first experience with that this past week, yuck!
What I’m looking forward to: The third trimester!!!! (We're already less than 90 days away from baby's due date)
What I'm loving: The pack 'n play Mom and Dad Davis got us!
Milestone(s): While Mom and Davis were in, we were able to take them to the hospital and take a tour of where we will deliver--it was an exciting (and overwhelming) experience for all of us!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 27

We're one week away from officially being in the third trimester! I can hardly believe! The second trimester has flown by and with it, we've been able to praise God for the many milestones we've reached: documenting this growing belly/baby, finding out the sex of the baby, and feeling this little one squirm and kick! Plus, I have felt GREAT, more like myself this trimester, too. I'm eager to know what the last trimester has in store, I'm hoping I don't waddle too much by the end of this :-) And with this third and final trimester, we're getting that much closer to actually having our little one in our arms---with some of purchases and gifts we are receiving, everyday feels like its becoming more and more of a reality that we're actually going to have a child!!!! I still can't wrap my head around that some days! Check out the baby's development below:

Courtesy of

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Preggo Stats--26 Weeks

How far along: 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a head of lettuce
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: Good or bad, depending on the night. 
Best moment this week:   Getting to spend lotsa time with my Mom! It was her birthday this past week and we were able to celebrate with her :-)
Movement: Yep! Yep! Yep! I've been feeling those little punches/kicks more and more!
Food cravings: Spicy Italian foot long from Subway
Food aversions: Peppermint
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Sleep!
What I'm not loving: My 4th block class, those kids are a handful and stress me out!
What I’m looking forward to: Next week Adam's family will be in for a three day weekend and Adam gets all three days off, woooohooo!
What I'm loving: How blessed we are; God has been so good to us!
Milestone(s): Does making it through another week count?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 26

It blows my mind how fast each week goes by! It's hard to believe that we only have 14 more weeks until our little one is here. Leading up to this week, sleeping has been rough. So I'm truly enjoying the weekends when I'm able to catch up on sleep and be productive when it comes to creating things for the baby; such as crib sheets, shopping cart covers, etc. Other than sleep, I've been feeling great and he's kicking up a storm which is fun for both me and Adam. Besides this check out the update below.
Courtesy of

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Preggo Stats--25 Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a head of cauliflower
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: Getting worse :-( I am waking up multiple times throughout the night, usually once to use the bathroom and the rest I just can seem to stay asleep.
Best moment this week:    1) Adam felt little bun kick!!! 2) going to see my cousin Courtney get married--congratulations!   3) Sewing the sheets for the crib with mom!
Movement: Yep! Yep! Yep! I've been feeling those little punches/kicks more and more!
Food cravings: Fried chicken (LOVE IT)
Food aversions: None. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Sleep!
What I'm not loving: I've had a cold/upper respiratory infection for over 2 weeks and am over it!! Also, for the next three months I have a class I have to take for re-certification; it's on Saturdays from 8-5pm BOO! Thankfully I only have 4 Saturdays to go!
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing the basement, getting to work on the nursery, and our baby showers!!!
What I'm loving: The fact that I am feeling this little fella more and more!
Milestone(s): Adam felt our little boy kick! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 25

This past week has flown by, which makes me realize that even though I know we've still got some time before this little critter makes his debut, it's also going to go by really fast! Adam and I have finally narrowed our list down and have at least a first name picked out, but not a middle--although I think we'll be pegging that down soon, too. He's starting to move more and more, and Adam finally felt his son kick earlier this week--he's been kicking for a while, and it's gradually getting stronger, but Adam couldn't feel it before, now he can! The look of awe and excitement on his face at the realization that he actually felt his son was indescribable! And today, a former student of mine showed up after school to introduce me to her little one: a boy as well---that definitely had me itching and desiring to hold our little one! How wonderful and precious this experience is and praise God for the work He has done!
Courtesy of

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 21 of Prayer: A Good Name

I've linked up to Hannah's blog for today's day of prayer post. She took the words right out of my mouth. The only thing difference about our pregnancies is that she and her husband have decided to wait to find out if they're having a little boy or girl. So as you read her prayer, remember ours is focusing on seeking the Lord for finding the best name for our little fella.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Book to Be Read in Utero

Some friends of ours, Marcus & Gina recommended getting this book. Their son, like most babies after being born, wailed and cried his little heart out. When Marcus walked over to where the nurse had laid him to get his weight, Marcus began talking to him and immediately their little boy calmed down. Marcus said that his son knew who he was by the sound of his voice; and how did he know his voice? By reading to him! They bought the book "Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go!" and read it to William nearly every day to Gina's pregnant belly. And now that our little fella can hear our voices , we bought the book and have been reading to him, too. Sometimes he'll give a little kick or punch, but I believe he's enamored with listening, especially to his Daddy. So for you all you soon-to-be-mommas check out this book! I LOVE Dr. Seuss and I couldn't be more thrilled that a book like this exists, I definitely give it two thumbs up!

Little Fox

I don't normally write posts like this but I couldn't resist! Check out the adorable outfit I got for my son yesterday from Babies R' Us! I'm totally considering making this the outfit we bring him home from the hospital in versus something Christmas-y (and trust me I love some Christmas)! My favorite part of this outfit is definitely the booty ;-) I think you'd have to agree.