Monday, May 23, 2011

Where things stand....or fall...[you be the judge]

As of last Friday, I received my student's scores from the SOL test they took nearly two weeks ago. I am sad to say that out of 33 students, only 18 have passed (so far). My pass rate stands at 54% and it has the potential to reach 85% but no higher. Let me explain, although 18 passed, 15 did not. Of those 15 who failed, 5 failed outright meaning they scored below 375 and cannot retake it. However, 10 students are in the retake range, meaning they scored between 375-399. Starting today, these students were double blocked and I'm spending one-on-one time with them to help them on strands they scored the poorest on and need the most review and help with.

I must say I was VERY disappointed upon receving my student's SOL results--in fact, I nearly cried. I know, this may seem petty, but if you read here you would know how I feel about how unfair it is that teacher's jobs are solely based on student performance. I must admit, that I am somewhat worried. My colleague called to say that he got grilled after school by our administration and I'm nervous the same will happen to me. My colleague also stated that all of the students who can retake, that if we every single one of them don't pass, then we could possibly keep our school from receiving accreditation, so of course there's "no pressure." Like any teacher, I want my students to do well so 1) they get their credit, 2) so they can earn their advanced diploma, and 3) so that it's a good reflection upon me and all my hard work. However, God has a better plan, some days, like today, it's just hard to remember.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Something Borrowed

I saw the previews for the movie "Something Borrowed" a few months ago and knew I had to see it. It was one of those, "Yes, I'll pay an outrageous $10 to see this in theaters!" [Where I'm from, movies don't cost near this much to go see] So when I realized it came out May 6, I figured I'd take my  mom out on Mother's Day weekend, but my dad wanted to make it a whole family outing and didn't want to see it, so needless to say I was a little more than bummed that I wouldn't see it on opening weekend.

However, God always has other plans, doesn't He? I mean the things that I think are great, never truly are in comparison to His. I know you're thinking, um how did she bring God into this? Well this is how: if I had gone to see that movie last weekend with my mother, then I would've missed out on the opportunity to hang out with a colleague of mine who never ever gets out and about. We were able to make plans to meet up in Williamsburg and watch it and then catch some dinner later. It was the BEST girls' night I've had in a while.

So I will not spoil how amazing this movie is, but I highly suggest you watch any of the trailers for this film here.I suggest #1, it's my favorite. Aaaand if you haven't read the book, check it out, too! It's by Emily Giffin. As always, it doesn't exactly follow the book, but it's pretty close with the exception of how a few characters were adapted. Anywho, I usually don't rave about movies or books like this, but they're GREAT! I must warn you that there are expletives and some material that is crude, but overall I give it two thumbs up! Check it out ladies!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

World History II SOL in T-minus 9 hours!

So in less than 9 hours my students will be taking the creme-de-la-creme of the World History II course, the SOL test. My students must a) pass this test if they want an advanced diploma and b) will have to take my end of year final exam if they fail, so some students might possibly fail for the year if they don't pass this sucker. I know better than to be anxious because Philippians 4:6 reads "Do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

I have worked my rear end off this year. I know you're wondering where I'm going with this, but stick with me. I hate that student's performance is a reflection on the teacher. Yes, there are some teachers who are not pulling their weight and aren't truly in it for the children, however, I and many of my colleagues are not those teachers. I don't feel that it's fair to judge a teacher based solely on student performance. I say this because I have had two male students who have not put forth hardly any effort all year long (i.e., came to class and did no work) and on top of that, neither of their parents have returned any phone calls, allowed/signed-up their child up for after-school remediation (which they clearly needed), and have not attend parent-teacher conferences. So in all fairness, at any other job, when an employee is not pulling their weight, they get the boot, but as a teacher, when a student refuses to do the work, you cannot simply give him or her the boot.

I'm not saying that a teacher should throw in the towel, I'm just saying that when you've done all you can do,then it's simply in God's hands. Ergo, my students and this test are in His hands. God knows my needs and the needs of my students. I have laid this down at His feet and I know that His will, no matter if my students pass or not, is what matters most. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity to serve you and these children, despite my many shortcomings and complaints. Thank you for remaining my JOY these past few weeks when you know I've struggled to have a positive attitude. And above all else thank you for being good, always and forever.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Momma's Day :-D

Mom at Roanoke Airport

Today I want the world to know how grateful and thankful I am for this woman ---->

Growing up she was the type of mother who gave up everything of herself to be there for her family. In recent years, I have noticed that there seems to be this notion among Christians that it is "unholy" or "ungodly" or even anti-Biblical that a woman who works outside the home is committing some kind of sin and not keeping her priorities in order (as it appears that she is putting work first over family). iMy mother was in fact a woman that did not stay home, she couldn't afford to, and for that I am thankful.Though she may have worked outside the home, she never compromised her responsibility and priority of putting her family first while at the same time maintaining a career, to help provide for her family.

Proverbs 31is often quoted on this day, and with good reason. In that passage the woman is using the time of day and her resources to provide for her family. Grant it the life of that woman was well over 2,000 years ago, and technology, medicine, and the like have changed, however it clearly resonates that a woman should provided for her family, which is EXACTLY what my mother has done. Adam and I have discussed the idea of me being a stay at home wife once we do choose to start a family, however, I do not think that I am anyless of a woman and I should not be any less praised on Mother's Day if I choose to work outside the home.

So as it is Mother's Day, I'd like to give a few accolades to my mother who has been a constant best friend of mine for the past decade. Mom, I'm sorry I didn't truly appreciate our friendship until I was about halfway into my teenager years. Once I did take advantage of that friendship I realized what a truly remarkable person you are. You're always there when I need to talk, you listen with open ears and an open heart, your humility is admirable, and you always put others first before yourself. You have a sweet, tender, compassionate, and humble spirit that pours out a love for Christ. Thank you for being a shining example of what it means to be a person who knows how to put others first. I love you more and more everyday and I have some big shoes to fill when it comes time for me to be a mother, too! Happy Mother's Day you deserve everything this day!