We Believe

We are Christians. We believe that there is ONE man who came to this earth as the son of God, who died for our sins; that is, Jesus Christ. We believe in the trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost and that the work and will of the Father is carried out by all three. We believe in salvation by grace through faith meaning, through the repentance of sins and confession that Jesus is Lord, we have been born again.We believe the Bible is god-breathed and inspired.

We believe scripture alone is the inerrant Word of God; Christ alone, in His perfect life and atoning death in the sinner's place is the basis for our acceptance with God; the grace of God alone in Christ, not works or human effort, is how God saves sinner (i.e., I cannot save myself); and faith alone (the free will to choose God) is the means by which sinners receive the grace of God. 

Our background comes from an array of denominations. We do not believe in any one particular denomination and do not wish to be entangled in man's conception and idea of what church ought to be, but rather what Scripture says. We enjoy expository teaching (i.e., the preaching and teaching of God's word verse by verse). We are currently looking to find a group of believers that we can have fellowship with.

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