Saturday, November 10, 2012

Preggo Stats--34 Weeks

How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 3/4 almost 7 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a butternut squash (which is perfect since it's Fall)
Maternity Clothes: Yessum! I'm hoping to get a few pieces from Motherhood Maternity for the holiday season
Sleep: It hasn't been too bad lately (probably because I fall asleep around 9-9:30 most nights)
Best moment this week: Having Election Day off was such a nice break from the regular work week!
Movement: TONS!
Food cravings: Mom's Hamburger Soup (it's more like vegetable soup with hamburger) and Japanese food (thankfully I had both of my cravings satisfied this week!)
Food aversions: None.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None yet, but I am awaiting Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out: In- but getting "smaller" according to Adam
What I miss: Keeping up with others when walking--I've definitely got the waddle going on ;-)
What I'm not loving: My fourth block class, that is really my biggest complaint--but I'm trying to see them as an opportunity to persevere and find joy in the Lord (but trust me this is hard)!
What I’m looking forward to: Thanksgiving! It is my favorite holiday and while we're not sure what Adam's schedule will be yet, I've got my fingers crossed hoping we'll be able to make a trip out to Mobjack again to see our family and friends!
What I'm loving: All the progress we've made in getting ready for the baby!!! 
Milestone(s): I got all the baby clothes washed and organized and made some more progress in getting the nursery ready thanks to my bestest Hazel!

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