Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why wait for 12 weeks?

Adam and I decided early on in our pregnancy,  like literally the day we found out, that we'd tell our family and closest friends and then the rest of the world when we hit the 12 week mark. Doctors and midwives alike indicate that a couple is in the "safe" zone (i.e., the risk of miscarriage is not as high or as likely) after reaching the twelfth week mark.

We also chose to wait to tell the world because of my  job. I wanted to make sure I was going to get a contract to teach before letting the cat out of the bag at work, and there are some people I work with who I'm "facebook" friends with, so needless to say any information that could find it's way there could find its way to them, thus the caution. Now, to put your mind at ease, although I haven't signed my contract yet (we're still awaiting them) I have been told that if the county I work for was not going to hire me back, that they were to let me know by April 15, so thank goodness that day has come and gone and we're good to go!

So there you have it. Why we waited. From here on out you can expect documentation of this exciting journey. My goal is to post every Thursday with a picture for the week and how big the baby is courtesy of!

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