Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy 3 Months, Caleb!

Dear Caleb,

It's amazing how fast time is flying by these days! You've had quite a busy month. While last month marked your big debut, this month saw a lot of action as far as you getting out and about. We're much more comfortable now with taking you out than we were a month ago, and as we're learning it's getting to be much easier--of course you're a pretty relaxed baby, so you make things easy on us. (Of course it also helps that you like getting out and meeting new people, too)!

You're becoming much stronger, and you can hold your head up--we still have to support your neck in order to make sure you don't let it "flop" when you get tired, which we learned the hard way. You've gained 1 pound 4.5 ounces since last month! You're still lean, but you've grown 3/4 an inch, which is CRAZY- seriously slow down, you'll be taller than us before we know it! You've started bearing weight down on your legs and can hold yourself up so long as someone is holding on to you. Holding your head up is no longer holding you back, and because you can do it so well, you love to look around. You still aren't mobile yet, but you can roll onto your side. Pretty soon you'll be rolling onto your stomach! You're also starting to speak up more, but in spurts and not consistently, though we're sure if you're anything like your momma then you will be soon enough!

You experienced your first Easter, though we weren't feeling very well that day so we actually didn't make it out to church. We're hoping we'll find a church soon that we can call "home" so we can have you around other babies and be able to have some social interaction. We still call Redeeming Grace Baptist Church our home, and we're not sure we can even find a church home quite like it, but we are hoping to dedicate you there in front of family and friends this summer. Ultimately, we want to raise you the way the Lord directs us to. We want to be there for you, reading and encouraging you every step of the way. It is a privilege that God has allowed us to be your parents. We love you!

Before we end this letter, there's one thing, I as your mother would like to say: I've truly enjoyed these past three months at home with you and I can't imagine going back to work. I've been so blessed to have had such a long maternity leave with you. It breaks my heart to know I won't be here with you like I want, but I know you'll be in good hands--you're dad, Papa, and Oma will be taking care of you throughout the week when I return to work, and even GramMarty is planning to stay a week or two to help us out. I'll have to work for seven weeks before summer vacation and then we'll get into all kinds of shenanigans then! I love you my wonderful boy! We can't wait to see what next month brings!

Mom & Dad

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