Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mr. Proffitt's Meatloaf

When I was in the 9th grade I had Ms. Stone as my Geometry teacher. I also had Mr. Proffitt for English 9 Honors. These were two of my favorite teachers and what's really neat is that they were dating during my high school years. It was my 11th grade year that Mr. Proffitt proposed and they were married during the summer. I was privileged to be one of the few students invited to their beautiful wedding.

Later, when I was in college, I came back to BHS (neither Mr. or Mrs. Proffitt were teaching there anymore) but I completed some of my practicum hours there with another one of my favorite teacher's Mrs. Holland, whom kept in touch with the Proffitt's. When I graduated college in December 2008, that spring I was filling out applications and sending my resume to any county that had a potential social studies position available. I was just recently engaged when Mr. Proffitt (who then became an assistant principal and was no longer a teacher) called me to say that there was a position available at the middle school where he was working. It so kind and generous of him to remember me and that I needed a job. However, after much prayer, the Lord told me not to take the job. That it wasn't the one for me. Instead, I took a job with Charles City--one I detested, but needed for much growth!!!

After two years at CCHS, I was called about a job back at my alma mater. And this time, Mr. Proffitt would be working there as an AP. I have enjoyed working with him these past two years. He's still as quirky and wired as ever! When Adam and I were married Mrs. Proffitt came to my bridal shower and gave us this recipe. It's taken me over three years, but I finally fixed it and it's absolutely delicious! Check it out:
Meat loaf before

  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs
  • 2 Tbsp. grated onion
  • 1/4 tsp season salt
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1/2 cup ketchup 
  •  Combine all ingredients in a bowl, spray bottom of a loaf pan, then put the meatloaf in the pan. It is to be baked at 350 degrees for 1 hour

  • Top loaf with 1 can of tomato soup before baking 
  • This dish is great with rice-a-roni, extra fine green beans and rolls
    Meat loaf after

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