Friday, March 4, 2011


I promise I won't go on and on about how awesome my cats are,'s not like I'm some crazy old lady surrounded by 'em or anything....but seriously how awesome are they?! I'm writing this post with the realization that 1) you may possibly hate cats 2) had a horrible experience with them and/or 3) had a bad experience with one at some point in your life and have allowed that one experience to ruin a possible infatuation for this animal. And let me admit, I am also a dog lover, we just don't happen to have one right now because my husband isn't overjoyed with the idea of having one so close to a busy road and I can't say I blame him. So what's the point I'm getting at? Well when I moved out on my own (before Adam and I got married) it was ooberly nice to have those felines around to keep me company and not freak out over every little noise that woke me up in the middle of the night. Not only did I feel a tiny bit safer, but I also enjoyed getting to know their personalities.Our three cats are Woodrow (as featured above to the left), Winnie (yes she actually climbed up and got up on that curtain all by herself!) and last but not least is Pippin, whom I don't have a recent picture of, but I have added a  ridiculous video of hi. He is the oldest of the three, this was taken this past summer when Adam and I noticed he had a strange inkling to get his paws on something smooth.... maybe he thought he was on a treadmill or something?! My favorite part is when he looks up at the very end!

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