Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Holidays?!

Yesterday was October 1st and stores are already out with their Christmas decorations. I would like to say that I haven't caved and listened to any Christmas music, or looked at some of our Christmas decorations, movies. etc. but the truth is, I have listened to Christmas music and I've even had an urge to watch a Christmas movie, too. In the process of moving, packing, and unpacking, we've sorted through some of our Christmas decorations and immediately all the nostalgia of Christmas memories the holidays bring hit me.

Now, with that being said, I am still digging and very much in love with Fall! I have waited 9 long months for it to begin! Perhaps I am bit biased, after all, it is my favorite season: the one I was born in, the season Adam and I began dating and married, too. It captivates me with its luscious golds, burgundies, browns, burnt oranges, and deep reds; the aroma of pot roasts, pumpkin and apple pies, and cinnamon scented candles grab me senseless. I'm like a cat around catnip! Okay, bad metaphor, but you get the idea. Having just bought our house and living here only 2+ weeks I am still in Fall mode for decorating, and I will keep those decorations up until Black Friday--a day reserved, not for shopping, but for decorating for Christmas, and trust me those decorations will last at least a month to a month and a half. So for now, step aside Christmas, it's Fall's time to shine!

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