Monday, May 23, 2011

Where things stand....or fall...[you be the judge]

As of last Friday, I received my student's scores from the SOL test they took nearly two weeks ago. I am sad to say that out of 33 students, only 18 have passed (so far). My pass rate stands at 54% and it has the potential to reach 85% but no higher. Let me explain, although 18 passed, 15 did not. Of those 15 who failed, 5 failed outright meaning they scored below 375 and cannot retake it. However, 10 students are in the retake range, meaning they scored between 375-399. Starting today, these students were double blocked and I'm spending one-on-one time with them to help them on strands they scored the poorest on and need the most review and help with.

I must say I was VERY disappointed upon receving my student's SOL results--in fact, I nearly cried. I know, this may seem petty, but if you read here you would know how I feel about how unfair it is that teacher's jobs are solely based on student performance. I must admit, that I am somewhat worried. My colleague called to say that he got grilled after school by our administration and I'm nervous the same will happen to me. My colleague also stated that all of the students who can retake, that if we every single one of them don't pass, then we could possibly keep our school from receiving accreditation, so of course there's "no pressure." Like any teacher, I want my students to do well so 1) they get their credit, 2) so they can earn their advanced diploma, and 3) so that it's a good reflection upon me and all my hard work. However, God has a better plan, some days, like today, it's just hard to remember.

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