Monday, June 2, 2008

May 27-May 31

This week was very quiet with Kelly gone. She left with a group of other staff/faculty members for JAM -- a Jenzebar conference. Thankfully the week turned out great! I was able to start workstudy in the Registrar's Office. What a treat it is to work up there with those ladies! I loved it! They are so friendly and upbeat--it was so nice to work with them all week! If I didn't have that job I have no idea what I would've done! Luckily, in the evenings Sharde and I were able to spend some time together! On Tuesday she and I watched, well began "The Little Mermaid" which we failed to finish because we were so busy talking--we literally talked over three hours and did not stop until after midnight! It was so great though, we were able to talk about life, what we felt, what our futures may hold, traveling, and other girl stuff. Wednesday I was able to catch up with my favorite Clarke family, whom I had not seen in over a week for they too were in Richmond, but they were visiting the Brackett family! On Wednesday & Thursday Sharde and I started going back to the gym. I'll admit it was a challenge at first, but it felt so good to not worry about time and just have a good workout. Unfortunately, the reason why the workout was more intense was becuase I discovered via my father (Mike) that I did not pass my worrisome Praxis II History test. I made a score of 152 and the state of Virginia requries a passing score of 161. Nine points can defeated me and my good day pretty quick. I was so mad and frustrated, but more importantly I didn't understand. I had studied as much as I could, and prayed before, during, and after the test. I know that God doesn't always give us what we want, but this time it would've been nice. That text costs $140 to take, so that was ultimately money down the drain. I hate that so much, but I know that I'll just have to try harder and trust harder next time. Angela called me on Friday and said, "Girl you've passed all the other tests, so God had to make you struggle and trust Him somewhere." Well if that's the case I surely hope that I pass this next time!

My week finally ended with a small trip back home. I went home on Friday because my mom was supposed to fly out to California, but her trip got cancelled, which ended up being a blessing because I got to spend more time with her and my father, too. It was weird coming home though because the house is a wreck from where my parents are tyring to fix things up so they can eventually sell the house and move closer to Roanoke. Our dog, Simon, was just as happy to see me as I was to see him, as was our cat Chanel who pranced around like a miss-priss all night/day. Sadly though, our oldest cat Sophie, whom I love, but still not too fond of was very different. She seemed to cling around the house more and layed around more so than ran or hunted. But I guess when you get older that's what you do. Just relax. Also I went home for one of my best friend Jessica's bridal shower (I'm actually in her wedding in less than 3 weeks)! The wedding shower was decorated with green and pink all over the place and with tons of gifts that her and Philip will need in their new house! Oh how wonderful God is to my friends. I am so thankful that they have been blessed and I am praying that they have a long and happy marriage which they each deserve!

Sadly I had to leave the shower a little early as I had already committed to spend some quality time with Amy Abs (who is about to leave for China on a month's mission trip), Miranda, and Amy's cousin Jamee (who was in from Florida)! We got all dolled up and went out to Macado's for a late dinner, then headed to Walmart to shop and get ice-cream which is ironic because we ended up not getting any ice-cream, and finally we spent the night at Miranda's and watched "The Wedding Planner" one of my all time favorites, then drifted off to sleep until the wet lick of a dog's tongue kissed my cheek the next morning! Church was amazing! Pastor Scott preached on "Giving" and it was wonderful! I am so blessed to go to a church that I love where I feel free to worship and be with believers that encourage and uplift me, but are also real and genuine and have gone through the same sort of struggles I have. Sunday ended up being lazy and good to get some Art homework done. All in all this was a wonderful weekend and I look forward to this upcoming week!

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