Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011!

In keeping up with new year traditions, I have made 11 resolutions for the upcoming year:

1. To grow and be closer to God

2. To be conscious of the way I handle and represent myself so that others may always see Christ and never second guess where I stand

3. To spend 10% of my time = 2 hours 40 minutes daily with the Lord and another 5% of my time = 1 hour 20 minutes of my time with my husband in devotion as well

4. Adam and I are going to start memorizing scripture (waaaaaay back in high school I was a part of a ministry and we found encouragement weekly by memorizing scripture and then sharing that with others as a tool for witnessing)

5. Be active 1) spiritually --> refer to resolutions #1-4 and 2) physically ---> I plan to start documenting weekly my progress in becoming healthier. I've noticed women who have blogs in which they document themselves growing throughout the course of their pregnancies, so I'd like to do something to that extent except with the idea of getting smaller and not grow a child within me.

6. Financially I'd like to save up and have 10% as part of a down payment on a house -- this will mean living more frugally than we have been. (For those of you who are homeowners, what is a good ball park figure to save?)

7. Finish projects! I am a pretty creative person (I love to knit, sew, scrapbook, paint, cook/bake, etc.) and I tend to start a lot of projects, but usually fail to complete them (minus baking/cooking endeavors) so this year I aim to be more productive.

8. Find a church to attend regularly

9. Take more photographs!

10. Read more! I have a huge collection of books sitting on a shelf that I've specifically set out so I'll make a point to read them!

11. Blog more regularly!

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