I wish I could say I've been ooberly chipper and upbeat lately, but I'm not. I'm just exhausted. I feel like I'm always behind and needless to say school seems to be taking over. Thankfully, once 3:30pm on Friday rolls around, I'm home free for two weeks due to Christmas break! Ironically enough, being a teacher does have its perks.
I feel awful I haven't updated in two months! Last we spoke I mentioned grading papers and the fact that we just moved in to our house a month before. Since then, we've finally got bits and pieces of our house together, which I'm hoping to blog about over break so it'll give you something to look forward to and keep you coming back for more! ;-) I'm also hoping you're enjoying the new background for the holiday season! I wanted something festive that could put everyone in the holiday spirit. However, if I knew more about computers and XML I would have designed a template that has the real meaning of Christmas in it: the birth of Jesus! So if you find one please share it with me. Until Friday, have a blessed week!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Grading Papers
This pretty much sums up my night! |
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Grad School
I am sorry that I seemed to pick up there for a while and have now let you down. I can't believe half of October is already gone! Where is time going? In the time I have not posted, I have been working on the house, school, and my graduate school application. Today, actually just a mere fifteen minutes ago I submitted my application to Virginia Tech's Graduate School! I feel confident and proud of myself. This has been quite the process and I'm glad that this load is now off my shoulders. Please say a prayer if it's God's will that I be accepted. I received a confirmation email (already) that my application has been received and that I should hear something in roughly two weeks. Now starts the waiting and anxiety, but I know everything's in God's hands. In the meantime I'm off to working on the house. Again, I promise to start posting some before/after pics in the next few days! Have a blessed weekend!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Happy Holidays?!
Yesterday was October 1st and stores are already out with their Christmas decorations. I would like to say that I haven't caved and listened to any Christmas music, or looked at some of our Christmas decorations, movies. etc. but the truth is, I have listened to Christmas music and I've even had an urge to watch a Christmas movie, too. In the process of moving, packing, and unpacking, we've sorted through some of our Christmas decorations and immediately all the nostalgia of Christmas memories the holidays bring hit me.
Now, with that being said, I am still digging and very much in love with Fall! I have waited 9 long months for it to begin! Perhaps I ambit biased, after all, it is my favorite season: the one I was born in, the season Adam and I began dating and married, too. It captivates me with its luscious golds, burgundies, browns, burnt oranges, and deep reds; the aroma of pot roasts, pumpkin and apple pies, and cinnamon scented candles grab me senseless. I'm like a cat around catnip! Okay, bad metaphor, but you get the idea. Having just bought our house and living here only 2+ weeks I am still in Fall mode for decorating, and I will keep those decorations up until Black Friday--a day reserved, not for shopping, but for decorating for Christmas, and trust me those decorations will last at least a month to a month and a half. So for now, step aside Christmas, it's Fall's time to shine!
Now, with that being said, I am still digging and very much in love with Fall! I have waited 9 long months for it to begin! Perhaps I am
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
For the love of...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
It's Official, We're Homeowners!

So around 8:45am, I left the high school and drove to meet the hubbs, where we proceeded to go to the lawyer's office. There, approximately 50-70 pieces of paper and the jist of what they contained were handed for us to sign and sign away we did! 45-50 minutes later the sellers handed us our keys! So it's official, we're homeowners, and praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
We're Finally Closing on Our 1st House!
Tomorrow is it! After patiently waiting for three weeks, we finally get to close on our house! This is very exciting for us because it'll be our first house! After accepting the job at BHS, we started considering our options as to whether or not we should continue to rent or actually buy a house. After praying about it, and crunching some numbers, we figured that we had paid nearly $16,000 in rent over the past two years. The amount we were paying in rent per month was cheap in comparison to the cost of buying a house out on the eastern side of the state. Now that we've moved, the cost of living in this area is much much cheaper, so we knew that we could buy a house and pay monthly cheaper than what we were paying in rent. It was just a better and smarter decision.
So, needless to say, we are beyond thrilled that the Lord has opened the doors for this to happen! We never thought this day would come and it is still somewhat surreal that it actually is. We prayed that if it's God's will for us to live there, to be an example of His light, and to grow in the community where we'll be living, then we'd love to be there! It's by no means our "dream" home or where we'd even like to live for the next 10+ years, but it's an amazing "starter" home, it's actually more than what we'd hope for! I can't wait to upload pictures and let you all get a glimpse into our little world!
So, needless to say, we are beyond thrilled that the Lord has opened the doors for this to happen! We never thought this day would come and it is still somewhat surreal that it actually is. We prayed that if it's God's will for us to live there, to be an example of His light, and to grow in the community where we'll be living, then we'd love to be there! It's by no means our "dream" home or where we'd even like to live for the next 10+ years, but it's an amazing "starter" home, it's actually more than what we'd hope for! I can't wait to upload pictures and let you all get a glimpse into our little world!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Remembering 9/11
Has ten years really gone by this fast? Where did the time go? I remember 9/11 as if it were yesterday. I'd like to remember that day by telling you what I went through. First off, I was 14 years old, a freshman, just starting a new adventure by starting high school. It was that Tuesday that I remember having an unannounced fire drill in my first block class, Ms. Stone's Geometry class, and then shortly thereafter being dismissed to my second block class, World History I with Mrs. Holland.
Mrs. Holland always greeted us at the door, that was nothing new. However, on this day, her eyes were filled with tears which brimmed over onto her cheek and as I went to ask if she was alright, I couldn't help but be distracted by the shrieking voices that poured out from the TV in our room. I took my seat and sat stunned at what I saw: a skyscraper on fire where a huge blacked hole was nearer the top of the building.
That was the day I learned what the World Trade Centers were.
And so I sat, and like others in my class, very much in awe of what was happening. Almost immediately came in other reports that a plane crashed into the Pentagon, a mere 287 miles away, and then another plane crashed in Shanksville, PA. I believe the thought that came into many other people's minds were, "What in the world is going on?!?!?" I dared not think we were under attack. Surely a country that is prominent in world affairs, and there to give aide as it could, was not under attack?!
The rest of my day continued with the swapping classes at the sound of the bell and watching the news during every possible second. Marching band practice was canceled after school; Mr. Harris told us to go home and be with our families, that's what really mattered. I went home that evening still in shock; and then the rush of emotions I felt, but did not exhibit, finally came out. At home, surrounded by family, I wept. I sobbed and sobbed for the people who's lives were now changed; those children who wouldn't have parents to come home to and vice versa, those who lost brothers, sisters, friends, husbands, wives, and mine.
9/11 marks a day in which my innocence was stolen. I no longer took life for granted and thought solely of myself, but of others. I wanted to give blood and help out, but all I could do was pray, and pray a lot. In fact, it was that November I gave my life to God, and I know 9/11 was a big factor in changing how I was self-centered and turned into someone who wanted to give and help others.
So as today marks the tenth anniversary, I am proud to say that I am an American. I am proud that the forces of Islamic terrorists did not overcome us, but brought us together. Let the colors of our flag run true, as they continue to symbolize unity, equality, and freedom. Let us never forget, but always remember. And let us continue to honor those who selflessly gave their lives to save another, those who were caught up their usual day to day business who were killed, and those whose suffering continues with the loss of a loved one.
In all of this, God is still good, God still reigns, He is still supreme, and it's in Him we still trust. Remember 9/11.
Mrs. Holland always greeted us at the door, that was nothing new. However, on this day, her eyes were filled with tears which brimmed over onto her cheek and as I went to ask if she was alright, I couldn't help but be distracted by the shrieking voices that poured out from the TV in our room. I took my seat and sat stunned at what I saw: a skyscraper on fire where a huge blacked hole was nearer the top of the building.
That was the day I learned what the World Trade Centers were.
And so I sat, and like others in my class, very much in awe of what was happening. Almost immediately came in other reports that a plane crashed into the Pentagon, a mere 287 miles away, and then another plane crashed in Shanksville, PA. I believe the thought that came into many other people's minds were, "What in the world is going on?!?!?" I dared not think we were under attack. Surely a country that is prominent in world affairs, and there to give aide as it could, was not under attack?!
The rest of my day continued with the swapping classes at the sound of the bell and watching the news during every possible second. Marching band practice was canceled after school; Mr. Harris told us to go home and be with our families, that's what really mattered. I went home that evening still in shock; and then the rush of emotions I felt, but did not exhibit, finally came out. At home, surrounded by family, I wept. I sobbed and sobbed for the people who's lives were now changed; those children who wouldn't have parents to come home to and vice versa, those who lost brothers, sisters, friends, husbands, wives, and mine.

So as today marks the tenth anniversary, I am proud to say that I am an American. I am proud that the forces of Islamic terrorists did not overcome us, but brought us together. Let the colors of our flag run true, as they continue to symbolize unity, equality, and freedom. Let us never forget, but always remember. And let us continue to honor those who selflessly gave their lives to save another, those who were caught up their usual day to day business who were killed, and those whose suffering continues with the loss of a loved one.
In all of this, God is still good, God still reigns, He is still supreme, and it's in Him we still trust. Remember 9/11.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I'm Back and with Good News!
I'm so sorry I haven't posted in nearly two months! You have every right to be upset with me, however I bring good news! I am absolutely head-over-heels in love with my new school, ahem, my alma mater! I LOVE teaching there! That's not to say that I haven't had any hiccups along the way, but I am thrilled beyond all measure at how things are going! BHS is such a breath of fresh air, I no longer dread going to work like I did at that "other school" (which shall remain nameless)! The camaraderie among the teachers is amazing and I love my department! And throughout this whole process, Adam has remained relentless is staying by my side, supporting, loving, and helping me along the way! (Let's be honest, half of everything that's been graded so far wouldn't have made it if it weren't for him)! I am blessed beyond words to have him!
Aannnndd, Adam and I have some wonderful news....(no not that kind).....we bought our first house! We are beyond thrilled with it! It's 2100 sq. ft for under $90,000! What a steal! We're waiting for the loan to get out of underwriting so we can hurry up and "close" on it. Our hope is to be in it withing a *week* if all goes accordingly! I promise to have pictures and will post all our renovation DIY shenanigans! In the meantime may all thanks and praise go to the One who makes all things possible!
Aannnndd, Adam and I have some wonderful news....(no not that kind).....we bought our first house! We are beyond thrilled with it! It's 2100 sq. ft for under $90,000! What a steal! We're waiting for the loan to get out of underwriting so we can hurry up and "close" on it. Our hope is to be in it withing a *week* if all goes accordingly! I promise to have pictures and will post all our renovation DIY shenanigans! In the meantime may all thanks and praise go to the One who makes all things possible!
Friday, July 15, 2011
our house is an absolute wreck! For two weeks now, I've been off and on again packing. You might ask, off and on again? Yes, it's been that way because Adam and I have been busy just going, going, going! We've been making trips back and forth to Bassett and Quinton, as well as to Adam's family, our church, and the past two days I was out as a chaperon to our youth for Liberty University's SBCV Studentz Camp "for a night" retreat. It was wonderful and I know the youth as well as myself got a lot out of it, but I sure am glad to be back home!
So being that I'm finally at home, you'd think I'd be ready to get on the ball with packing again, right? No! I've lost my "mojo" as one movie character put it. And it's simple, right?! Get your butt off the couch, grab a box and start piling stuff in it! Sheesh. Yet, I simply just want to take a break from it. I'm sad or emotional, just lazy. Ahh, well I do have all of next week, and if I finish everything now then what would I do next week?! Sigh. Yes, I'm a genius. Happy Friday to all!
So being that I'm finally at home, you'd think I'd be ready to get on the ball with packing again, right? No! I've lost my "mojo" as one movie character put it. And it's simple, right?! Get your butt off the couch, grab a box and start piling stuff in it! Sheesh. Yet, I simply just want to take a break from it. I'm sad or emotional, just lazy. Ahh, well I do have all of next week, and if I finish everything now then what would I do next week?! Sigh. Yes, I'm a genius. Happy Friday to all!
Friday, July 8, 2011
We're Moving!!!
For the few of you that read this blog, I am sorry I haven't been an avid blogger lately. Two weekends ago I went on a girls' mini-vacay to Cape Charles with the Leverett girls (which I plan to blog about soon). Then last weekend Adam and I were busy helping our pastor and his family move. And the weeks/days in between have been spent packing here as well as visiting friends and going back to Bassett to take care of necessary paper work, getting into my new classroom, and checking out houses to buy!
YES, YES, YES you read that correctly! We're going to be buying our very first home! I am elated! We have been looking at several houses on the Internet, and I went with my parents and Hazel to view some when I was in town on Wednesday. Needless to say of the four I saw, three were a BIG disappointment--they were absolutely horrendous--and would need lots of renovations before you could even move in! There was however one that I absolutely loved! We're planning on going back in the next week so both Adam and myself can look and hopefully find one where we can place an offer. God has been so good to us and I am overjoyed with the work He is doing! In the meantime, most of my time is spent packing--the house is a wreck! We'll be keeping our stuff in storage until we find a house, and we'll be living with my parents for roughly a month or two until then, which will help us save some money! I'll be back to blog with an update soon, in the meantime pray the Lord has a house set aside for us!
YES, YES, YES you read that correctly! We're going to be buying our very first home! I am elated! We have been looking at several houses on the Internet, and I went with my parents and Hazel to view some when I was in town on Wednesday. Needless to say of the four I saw, three were a BIG disappointment--they were absolutely horrendous--and would need lots of renovations before you could even move in! There was however one that I absolutely loved! We're planning on going back in the next week so both Adam and myself can look and hopefully find one where we can place an offer. God has been so good to us and I am overjoyed with the work He is doing! In the meantime, most of my time is spent packing--the house is a wreck! We'll be keeping our stuff in storage until we find a house, and we'll be living with my parents for roughly a month or two until then, which will help us save some money! I'll be back to blog with an update soon, in the meantime pray the Lord has a house set aside for us!
Tell me about.....your brother-in-loves!
Yes, you read that correctly. I wrote typed brother-in-loves, not laws! Those guys are wonderful and I am so lucky to call them my brothers! If it weren't for Luke, I would have never met my prince charming! Let's go back a couple of years...
Here's the story: Luke and I went to college together. Neither one of us remember meeting the other, what an impression we made, right?! But not too long after he started his freshman year at Bluefield, we became friends and started hanging out. By the next school year we were working together on SUB and were having a blast! I met Luke's family that Fall, in September of 2007 when they came up to visit him for his birthday. That was the first time I met Adam, but said to say there wasn't any of that "love at first sight" cliches. The next time I saw Adam was the spring of 2008 when Luke needed help moving out of the dorm. Prior to the summer of 2008, Luke had invited several of us to come to Mobjack for a visit, but I never had the chance, until that summer, when we both went to help at YEC in Richmond. After YEC, Luke invited myself and two other guys to come hang out for the weekend at his parent's house. I went, and wham bam just like that Adam and I hit it off and the rest is history! Therefore, without Luke, I would have never met my wonderful hubby.
Anywho, enough about me and Adam, isn't this post about Luke & Joel?! Right! Luke is an amazing brother-in-love! Everyone who meets him, likes him! YES, this is true! He is a very amiable, smart, laid-back, handsome, and adventuresome kind of guy! He keeps his priorities in check and makes the best decisions that he feels God wants him to make. His faith is his foundation! He's supportive and kind and can irritate me, just like my little brother does, and he's got a wonderful girlfriend, whom he loves dearly, whom I hope to call my sister-in-love one day!
Joel on the other hand, wow! This kid has grown up fast! He's become such an adventuresome, strong willed, pursuant individual. Before college, you could usually find him reading a Ted Dekker book, piddling with some melodies on the piano, and swimming in the creek. Now, he's always venturing to new places, making his mark on the world! I am impressed that Joel came "out of his shell" and has taken life by the horns--he really knows how to carpe diem! I am proud of who he is, and I'm excited to see where the Lord is leading him! I'm so very thankful to call these wonderful men, my brother-in-loves! Thank you Lord for giving me such a wonderful family!
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From left to right: Joel, my hubby (Adam), and Luke! |
Anywho, enough about me and Adam, isn't this post about Luke & Joel?! Right! Luke is an amazing brother-in-love! Everyone who meets him, likes him! YES, this is true! He is a very amiable, smart, laid-back, handsome, and adventuresome kind of guy! He keeps his priorities in check and makes the best decisions that he feels God wants him to make. His faith is his foundation! He's supportive and kind and can irritate me, just like my little brother does, and he's got a wonderful girlfriend, whom he loves dearly, whom I hope to call my sister-in-love one day!
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Adam and I with Hazel, Luke, and Joel! |
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Praise the Lord!
I have some WoNdErFuL news! I got the job in Bassett! I had my second interview, this time with the principal, one of the assistant principals, and my former teacher, Mr. Martin--whom also was one of my references). The interview went great! I was extra jittery, but managed to calm my nerves after being able to talk to Mr. Martin a bit before actually going into the interview. I nailed each question asked and answered with confidence! I was very proud of how I appeared and presented myself. I daresay that I had not gotten this job, I would have specifically wanted details as to why not!
After the interview I went back home feeling great and upbeat! I was hoping to hear a phone call from HR that day. Didn't the principal state that they would make a recommendation to HR and then get back to for taking care of paperwork and fingerprinting, etc.? Surely a principal wouldn't say this to every candidate?! After working myself up into a good frenzy, my stomach was all in knots by about 6pm that same night. I of course talked to my husband who told me I was worrying over something I shouldn't, but of course I couldn't "let it go." By Friday, I long forgot about the interview (ok well as much as I could) and was eagerly looking forward to the trip the Leverett girls (Adam's mother's family) were taking--we went to Cape Charles for the weekend (pictures and post to come soon)! So needless to say by the time I had "let it go" I got the call, and surprisingly enough, HR isn't open on Fridays, but this one particular lady went in and decided to gimme the call. I'm glad she did or else I'm sure my heart would still be pounding away with anxiety. But all this is to say that the Lord is good, and all the praise and glory belong to him! So now we're off on to a new adventure....moving!
After the interview I went back home feeling great and upbeat! I was hoping to hear a phone call from HR that day. Didn't the principal state that they would make a recommendation to HR and then get back to for taking care of paperwork and fingerprinting, etc.? Surely a principal wouldn't say this to every candidate?! After working myself up into a good frenzy, my stomach was all in knots by about 6pm that same night. I of course talked to my husband who told me I was worrying over something I shouldn't, but of course I couldn't "let it go." By Friday, I long forgot about the interview (ok well as much as I could) and was eagerly looking forward to the trip the Leverett girls (Adam's mother's family) were taking--we went to Cape Charles for the weekend (pictures and post to come soon)! So needless to say by the time I had "let it go" I got the call, and surprisingly enough, HR isn't open on Fridays, but this one particular lady went in and decided to gimme the call. I'm glad she did or else I'm sure my heart would still be pounding away with anxiety. But all this is to say that the Lord is good, and all the praise and glory belong to him! So now we're off on to a new adventure....moving!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Yes, this actually happened...
I'm just now catching up to blogging regularly since school is officially out for summer, praise the Lord! I was never so anxious to be done with school as I was last year and this year! With that being said, this post is one I meant to write up in April, but forgot to do so. Therefore, without further ado allow me to introduce to you, Miss Piggy , a sow who happened to find her way to our house one evening.
She was a very energetic pig, as if on a mission. She meandered around a bit, first looking for something to eat, then wisely chose to leave before she too might become eaten! In actuality, we found out she belongs to some neighbors who live down a lane about a quarter of a mile down our road.
She was a very energetic pig, as if on a mission. She meandered around a bit, first looking for something to eat, then wisely chose to leave before she too might become eaten! In actuality, we found out she belongs to some neighbors who live down a lane about a quarter of a mile down our road.
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For the record, no animals were hurt in the publishing of this post! |
Mothers & Fathers
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We are "family." Chappelears & Davises. |
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Mike, Marie, and Berta. |
I am so thankful for my parents and in-laws! They are some amazing adults! My parents are my best friends. There's not a thing I could not tell them, if you don't believe me just ask! My parents have always been there to support me and love me no matter what crazy ideas or dumb mistakes I made. I am thankful that have pushed me to always do my best and never, ever give up! Hard work always pays off, and the Lord never leads you astray. Thank you mom and dad for being there for me! You mean the world to me!
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Al, Adam, and Marty. |
Both of our parents have been extremely supportive of our relationship and each of us feel that the other's parents have done nothing but treat the other as they would their own son/daughter. We are so very blessed to have them in our lives and we hope to one day become the kind of parents they have been to us. It is our prayer that the Lord would bless them doubly even though we owe them more than money or words could ever express. So thank you mom and dad! We love you both! (And yes we hope to bring some grandchildren into this world before too long)!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Just Because
Adam brought these lovelies home one evening after work. He sure did sweep me off my feet! I love it when he surprises me like this, it shows that he's still actively pursuing my heart. I love you, Adam! You're the best husband and I'm so glad the Lord brought us together, I couldn't imagine my life without you! Thank you for everything you do and for being exactly who you are, I'm so in love with you!
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Click on picture to view poem! |
Monday, June 20, 2011
Tell me about...the inside of your desk?!
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Click on picture to view larger! |
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tick Tock
Have you ever noticed that when you're waiting for God's direction, that the seconds feel like hours, and the minutes like days? I'm in that period of waiting where I'm so anxious to know where the Lord will be sending Adam and I that it is almost unbearable. We've prayed in earnest about an opportunity, that doors would be opened. But we only want His will. As amazing as this job would be, we know that if the Lord's hand is not in it, then we don't want it. There may be some tears on our my end, but I know God's plan is always better. So whether you stumbled upon this blog by accident or you're a continual reader, please just pray over our situation, and especially that my heart would NOT be anxious!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sewing Endeavor #3: a baby blanket
So a few weeks back, ok almost two months ago, my parents came down for a long weekend when my school had Spring Break. I always love it when my parents can come for a visit, but this time was wonderful because mom and dad hadn't been up in a while, and mom and I were sewing! For some reason, neither one of us can find the motivation to sew unless we're around each other, go figure! I won't drag this out, but I will say that making a baby blanket is so much easier than making baby clothes, well at least a snap-on onesie.

To the right is pictured the baby boy blanket I made. It was the first blanket I made it is so far my favorite! I have yet to decide if I want to keep it or give it away. This summer, since I'll have more free time on my hands with school not in session, I'll create a tutorial going step by step through the whole blanket making process. The blanket was soooo soft and comfy, that even the hubbs wanted to take a quick nap! I also created a little girls' blanket for a friend of mine. She didn't want to completely steer away from the color pink, but wanted to incorporate more purples in her little girl's nursery. So keeping that in mind I picked out and created the following (check it out) -------------------------------------->
See you next time for sewing endeavor #4!
Me with my creation. |

See you next time for sewing endeavor #4!
Monday, June 13, 2011
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!
Soooooo good news! Remember how in March I told you that Adam and were praying about a possible job opportunity in Mathews and Bassett? Well unfortunately, Mathew's budget did not get approved for another History teacher and at the time, the teacher that had put in his resignation at Bassett just up and left so they needed somebody to fill the job, quick?! Well praise the Lord, there is another position available now! I received a wonderful tip at the beginning of last week from a source who will remain unidentified and from this person emailed a person they knew in HR (whom I also emailed to confirm my interest) and WAM BAM within 24 hours I received an email stating that a representative of HR would call me to confirm and set up a pre-screening interview! YIPEE!
So in less than a day's time after the email, I received a call and had my pre-screening interview set up for today at 10:00am (I did this because I knew I wouldn't have any "kids" at school with the exception of first block because on odd days I only teach blocks 1 & 5 and my seniors make up block five and they weren't to report to school this week except for graduation practice on Wednesday and Thursday). Sooo thankfully Adam was able to take today off, as was I, and we came out to Bassett over the weekend to stay with my parents. So not only did I have a pre-screening interview, but I got to see the 'rents as well!
Ok so enough blabbering you wanna hear the good stuff! Alright here it is, I walked into HR looking professional with my portfolio in hand ready for whatever they threw at me, and I nailed it! Every question I answered clearly and concisely (probably too fast at first since I was a bit jittery, but more slowly after I settled down)! I feel really good about this interview and I've prayed and prayed that if this is what the Lord wants, then I want it, and if it's not then I don't. So immediately following the interview (and the HR rep didn't leave either) she looked me square in the face and said, "Wow! Well I will most definitely be getting in touch with such-and-such principal because you just passed your pre-screening interview!" I was elated! So I am now waiting to hear back from said principal and hope to have some more wonderful news to share, in the meantime enjoy this beautiful day!
So in less than a day's time after the email, I received a call and had my pre-screening interview set up for today at 10:00am (I did this because I knew I wouldn't have any "kids" at school with the exception of first block because on odd days I only teach blocks 1 & 5 and my seniors make up block five and they weren't to report to school this week except for graduation practice on Wednesday and Thursday). Sooo thankfully Adam was able to take today off, as was I, and we came out to Bassett over the weekend to stay with my parents. So not only did I have a pre-screening interview, but I got to see the 'rents as well!
Ok so enough blabbering you wanna hear the good stuff! Alright here it is, I walked into HR looking professional with my portfolio in hand ready for whatever they threw at me, and I nailed it! Every question I answered clearly and concisely (probably too fast at first since I was a bit jittery, but more slowly after I settled down)! I feel really good about this interview and I've prayed and prayed that if this is what the Lord wants, then I want it, and if it's not then I don't. So immediately following the interview (and the HR rep didn't leave either) she looked me square in the face and said, "Wow! Well I will most definitely be getting in touch with such-and-such principal because you just passed your pre-screening interview!" I was elated! So I am now waiting to hear back from said principal and hope to have some more wonderful news to share, in the meantime enjoy this beautiful day!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Tell me about......your CHURCH
Lately I've been posting about school, mainly to have an outlet where I can filter my thoughts on the matter and blow off some steam. Other than possibly one or two more posts and I'll be done! Therefore, I've decided to start a few series on "Tell me about...." where I'll post about personal subjects and of course anything you have questions on. I've seen something similar to this on other blogs and figured it'd be good to blog about something new. So feel free to email me or leave a comment. So here goes.: "Tell me about...your Church."
Adam and I attend Redeeming Grace Baptist Church in Mathews, VA. I absolutely adore our church. Ever since I first visited it with Adam, way back in 2008 when we first started dating, I have enjoyed the fellowship with the people there. Their hearts are genuine and their faith is real. It is very much a solid church. Growing up, the denomination my parents raised me in lacked expository preaching and the sermons lasted all of 20 minutes. So needless to say, I became stagnant. It was until I visited a church in college (very similar to the one we attend now) that I first heard expository preaching. It has captured my heart and left me in awe. I feel that I understand God so much better with this style of preaching and it's helped me greatly in my devotional time as well. I have gotten to know God so much better (that's not to say I'm where I should be in my walk (that's something I strive for daily)) but it is a style of preaching that has opened my heart and I highly recommend it to anyone.
Our church meets on Sunday mornings and evenings and Wednesday evenings for Bible study. The second thing that drew me to our church is the fact that it's very simple. We don't meet in a huge church with stained glass windows, we meet in a rented space that has the bare necessities. The room we meet in is very simple and the focus is simply on worshiping the Lord and delving into His word. I love it! Please feel free to check out our church here and while you're there check out some of the podcasts on some of the series our preacher has been going through (Sunday mornings: Mark, Sunday evenings: Apostle's Creed, Wednesday evening: Matthew).

Our church meets on Sunday mornings and evenings and Wednesday evenings for Bible study. The second thing that drew me to our church is the fact that it's very simple. We don't meet in a huge church with stained glass windows, we meet in a rented space that has the bare necessities. The room we meet in is very simple and the focus is simply on worshiping the Lord and delving into His word. I love it! Please feel free to check out our church here and while you're there check out some of the podcasts on some of the series our preacher has been going through (Sunday mornings: Mark, Sunday evenings: Apostle's Creed, Wednesday evening: Matthew).
Saturday, June 4, 2011
SOL Finale
Yesterday I got to school skidaddled around to get all my stuff together, wished my students who were re-taking the best of luck and then left to spend my day as a chaperon on the senior picnic trip. The picnic went better than planned and I enjoyed myself a lot more than I did last year. As predicted, my students who hurled threats all week of me getting thrown in the pool, yes that did come true, twice actually! Don't worry, I was prepared and had extra clothes on standby. When the picnic was over, we rode the bus back to school, and then I got the news I had mulled over and stressed out about for two weeks, my SOL results.
I won't drag this out any further or give you any such false inclinations to think the scores were amazing. The truth is, only two out of the ten passed, leaving me with an ultimate 65% pass rate. I did not cry although I felt like it. All I could do was say, amen because had God wanted anything different it would have been. However, I am still human and still somewhat disappointed. I am waiting for my colleagues VSEP binders to return and see if we'll remain accredited in the History Dept. Hopefully *fingers crossed* we will because goodness knows I'd hate for anyone in the state to step in next year. So there you have it, the SOL finale. Now all that's left is graduation and a long enjoyable summer!
I won't drag this out any further or give you any such false inclinations to think the scores were amazing. The truth is, only two out of the ten passed, leaving me with an ultimate 65% pass rate. I did not cry although I felt like it. All I could do was say, amen because had God wanted anything different it would have been. However, I am still human and still somewhat disappointed. I am waiting for my colleagues VSEP binders to return and see if we'll remain accredited in the History Dept. Hopefully *fingers crossed* we will because goodness knows I'd hate for anyone in the state to step in next year. So there you have it, the SOL finale. Now all that's left is graduation and a long enjoyable summer!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Re-take Update
Those students who failed and fall under the re-take category are set to take the test again on tomorrow. I have been working my butt off with these kids since the day we received the results from the first test. I have spent hours making index "flash" card sets for them, one of which (the largest strand of my own personal copy) is now missing. So needless to say, I'm a tad frustrated and ready for this SOL test to be over with.
Despite my ill mood, I am pretty confident that so long as my students have studied the materials I've provided (which they say they have) and remember the information we've reviewed in class, they should do better! I am no longer worried, but I still seem to carry the weight of the stress involved.This has been a stressful week, despite the fact that we had a three day weekend.
Today was "Awards Day" and the entire student body acted foolish, talked too much, and snickered at anything that could produce a chuckle. I was completely mortified and embarrassed when a guest presenter stopped in the middle of announcing her award in order to scold and reprimand our students on their behavior. Today was one of those days I was ready to throw in the towel. I believe it's safe to say that June 17th could not get here fast enough!
Despite my ill mood, I am pretty confident that so long as my students have studied the materials I've provided (which they say they have) and remember the information we've reviewed in class, they should do better! I am no longer worried, but I still seem to carry the weight of the stress involved.This has been a stressful week, despite the fact that we had a three day weekend.
Today was "Awards Day" and the entire student body acted foolish, talked too much, and snickered at anything that could produce a chuckle. I was completely mortified and embarrassed when a guest presenter stopped in the middle of announcing her award in order to scold and reprimand our students on their behavior. Today was one of those days I was ready to throw in the towel. I believe it's safe to say that June 17th could not get here fast enough!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Where things stand....or fall...[you be the judge]
As of last Friday, I received my student's scores from the SOL test they took nearly two weeks ago. I am sad to say that out of 33 students, only 18 have passed (so far). My pass rate stands at 54% and it has the potential to reach 85% but no higher. Let me explain, although 18 passed, 15 did not. Of those 15 who failed, 5 failed outright meaning they scored below 375 and cannot retake it. However, 10 students are in the retake range, meaning they scored between 375-399. Starting today, these students were double blocked and I'm spending one-on-one time with them to help them on strands they scored the poorest on and need the most review and help with.
I must say I was VERY disappointed upon receving my student's SOL results--in fact, I nearly cried. I know, this may seem petty, but if you read here you would know how I feel about how unfair it is that teacher's jobs are solely based on student performance. I must admit, that I am somewhat worried. My colleague called to say that he got grilled after school by our administration and I'm nervous the same will happen to me. My colleague also stated that all of the students who can retake, that if we every single one of them don't pass, then we could possibly keep our school from receiving accreditation, so of course there's "no pressure." Like any teacher, I want my students to do well so 1) they get their credit, 2) so they can earn their advanced diploma, and 3) so that it's a good reflection upon me and all my hard work. However, God has a better plan, some days, like today, it's just hard to remember.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Something Borrowed
I saw the previews for the movie "Something Borrowed" a few months ago and knew I had to see it. It was one of those, "Yes, I'll pay an outrageous $10 to see this in theaters!" [Where I'm from, movies don't cost near this much to go see] So when I realized it came out May 6, I figured I'd take my mom out on Mother's Day weekend, but my dad wanted to make it a whole family outing and didn't want to see it, so needless to say I was a little more than bummed that I wouldn't see it on opening weekend.
However, God always has other plans, doesn't He? I mean the things that I think are great, never truly are in comparison to His. I know you're thinking, um how did she bring God into this? Well this is how: if I had gone to see that movie last weekend with my mother, then I would've missed out on the opportunity to hang out with a colleague of mine who never ever gets out and about. We were able to make plans to meet up in Williamsburg and watch it and then catch some dinner later. It was the BEST girls' night I've had in a while.
So I will not spoil how amazing this movie is, but I highly suggest you watch any of the trailers for this film here.I suggest #1, it's my favorite. Aaaand if you haven't read the book, check it out, too! It's by Emily Giffin. As always, it doesn't exactly follow the book, but it's pretty close with the exception of how a few characters were adapted. Anywho, I usually don't rave about movies or books like this, but they're GREAT! I must warn you that there are expletives and some material that is crude, but overall I give it two thumbs up! Check it out ladies!
However, God always has other plans, doesn't He? I mean the things that I think are great, never truly are in comparison to His. I know you're thinking, um how did she bring God into this? Well this is how: if I had gone to see that movie last weekend with my mother, then I would've missed out on the opportunity to hang out with a colleague of mine who never ever gets out and about. We were able to make plans to meet up in Williamsburg and watch it and then catch some dinner later. It was the BEST girls' night I've had in a while.
So I will not spoil how amazing this movie is, but I highly suggest you watch any of the trailers for this film here.I suggest #1, it's my favorite. Aaaand if you haven't read the book, check it out, too! It's by Emily Giffin. As always, it doesn't exactly follow the book, but it's pretty close with the exception of how a few characters were adapted. Anywho, I usually don't rave about movies or books like this, but they're GREAT! I must warn you that there are expletives and some material that is crude, but overall I give it two thumbs up! Check it out ladies!
girls night,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
World History II SOL in T-minus 9 hours!
So in less than 9 hours my students will be taking the creme-de-la-creme of the World History II course, the SOL test. My students must a) pass this test if they want an advanced diploma and b) will have to take my end of year final exam if they fail, so some students might possibly fail for the year if they don't pass this sucker. I know better than to be anxious because Philippians 4:6 reads "Do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
I have worked my rear end off this year. I know you're wondering where I'm going with this, but stick with me. I hate that student's performance is a reflection on the teacher. Yes, there are some teachers who are not pulling their weight and aren't truly in it for the children, however, I and many of my colleagues are not those teachers. I don't feel that it's fair to judge a teacher based solely on student performance. I say this because I have had two male students who have not put forth hardly any effort all year long (i.e., came to class and did no work) and on top of that, neither of their parents have returned any phone calls, allowed/signed-up their child up for after-school remediation (which they clearly needed), and have not attend parent-teacher conferences. So in all fairness, at any other job, when an employee is not pulling their weight, they get the boot, but as a teacher, when a student refuses to do the work, you cannot simply give him or her the boot.
I'm not saying that a teacher should throw in the towel, I'm just saying that when you've done all you can do,then it's simply in God's hands. Ergo, my students and this test are in His hands. God knows my needs and the needs of my students. I have laid this down at His feet and I know that His will, no matter if my students pass or not, is what matters most. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity to serve you and these children, despite my many shortcomings and complaints. Thank you for remaining my JOY these past few weeks when you know I've struggled to have a positive attitude. And above all else thank you for being good, always and forever.
I have worked my rear end off this year. I know you're wondering where I'm going with this, but stick with me. I hate that student's performance is a reflection on the teacher. Yes, there are some teachers who are not pulling their weight and aren't truly in it for the children, however, I and many of my colleagues are not those teachers. I don't feel that it's fair to judge a teacher based solely on student performance. I say this because I have had two male students who have not put forth hardly any effort all year long (i.e., came to class and did no work) and on top of that, neither of their parents have returned any phone calls, allowed/signed-up their child up for after-school remediation (which they clearly needed), and have not attend parent-teacher conferences. So in all fairness, at any other job, when an employee is not pulling their weight, they get the boot, but as a teacher, when a student refuses to do the work, you cannot simply give him or her the boot.
I'm not saying that a teacher should throw in the towel, I'm just saying that when you've done all you can do,then it's simply in God's hands. Ergo, my students and this test are in His hands. God knows my needs and the needs of my students. I have laid this down at His feet and I know that His will, no matter if my students pass or not, is what matters most. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity to serve you and these children, despite my many shortcomings and complaints. Thank you for remaining my JOY these past few weeks when you know I've struggled to have a positive attitude. And above all else thank you for being good, always and forever.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Momma's Day :-D
![]() | |
Mom at Roanoke Airport 12/30/10 |
Growing up she was the type of mother who gave up everything of herself to be there for her family. In recent years, I have noticed that there seems to be this notion among Christians that it is "unholy" or "ungodly" or even anti-Biblical that a woman who works outside the home is committing some kind of sin and not keeping her priorities in order (as it appears that she is putting work first over family). iMy mother was in fact a woman that did not stay home, she couldn't afford to, and for that I am thankful.Though she may have worked outside the home, she never compromised her responsibility and priority of putting her family first while at the same time maintaining a career, to help provide for her family.
Proverbs 31is often quoted on this day, and with good reason. In that passage the woman is using the time of day and her resources to provide for her family. Grant it the life of that woman was well over 2,000 years ago, and technology, medicine, and the like have changed, however it clearly resonates that a woman should provided for her family, which is EXACTLY what my mother has done. Adam and I have discussed the idea of me being a stay at home wife once we do choose to start a family, however, I do not think that I am anyless of a woman and I should not be any less praised on Mother's Day if I choose to work outside the home.
So as it is Mother's Day, I'd like to give a few accolades to my mother who has been a constant best friend of mine for the past decade. Mom, I'm sorry I didn't truly appreciate our friendship until I was about halfway into my teenager years. Once I did take advantage of that friendship I realized what a truly remarkable person you are. You're always there when I need to talk, you listen with open ears and an open heart, your humility is admirable, and you always put others first before yourself. You have a sweet, tender, compassionate, and humble spirit that pours out a love for Christ. Thank you for being a shining example of what it means to be a person who knows how to put others first. I love you more and more everyday and I have some big shoes to fill when it comes time for me to be a mother, too! Happy Mother's Day you deserve everything this day!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Mom's Lasagna
I am home today after feeling and being sick all week! At first I just thought I had a sinus infection, however, I decided that if I wasn't better by last night then I'd call in sick today and go to the doctor, which is exactly what I did. It turns out that NO we are not pregnant, NO I do not have strep and YES I have a GI (gastrointestinal infection), so yay, go me! My doctor was gracious enough to write a note for me today, and said if I needed to take tomorrow as well, then to do it. With SOLs right around the corner I need to be at school as much as possible, so I'm trying to make the most of my day at home, by propping my feet up and resting.
I am planning on taking a nap, but decided that before I do, I should update the blog. I am a much better blogger than I previously was, however, I still lack the dedication like some of the more avid bloggers I follow. I think that with summer fast approaching I'll do better! Anywho, one of my favorite recipes to fix for my husband is my mom's lasagna--she received this recipe from a church cookbook when we lived in Broadway, VA and has altered it throughout the years, and believe me, it's the best around (even beats out some of those real Italian restaurants)!
I am planning on taking a nap, but decided that before I do, I should update the blog. I am a much better blogger than I previously was, however, I still lack the dedication like some of the more avid bloggers I follow. I think that with summer fast approaching I'll do better! Anywho, one of my favorite recipes to fix for my husband is my mom's lasagna--she received this recipe from a church cookbook when we lived in Broadway, VA and has altered it throughout the years, and believe me, it's the best around (even beats out some of those real Italian restaurants)!
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/4 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp oregano
- 1/2lb ground beef (Adam and I have switched to ground turkey -- you can use up to 1 lb. if you prefer more meat)
- 1 can tomato soup
- 1 can tomato sauce (12oz or 14oz if you prefer for sauce)
- 2 tsp vinegar
- 1/2 box lasagna noodles
- 1 large container of cottage cheese (Adam and I actually add about 1 1/2 large containers -- we LOVE cheese!)
- 3 packs of mozzarella cheese slices
- 1/2 cup water
- In a frying pan, brown ground beef/turkey and drain.
- In saucepan, add brown ground beef/turkey, tomato soup, 1/2 can water, tomato sauce, onion powder, garlic powder, and oregano--simmer on low heat for 30 minutes (be sure to stir every now and again)
- While your sauce is simmering, in a large pot, bring about 8-9 cups of water to a boil, add 9 lasagna strips (you can add more if you prefer) and sprinkle around about a teaspoon of salt. Be sure to pre-heat your oven during this time to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
- In a 13 x 9 pan, lightly grease bottom with oil or crisco to prevent sticking (I accidentally forgot to do this once and it turned out fine!) and add a layer of noodles (should be about 3), on top of that add a layer of cottage cheese, a layer of the meat sauce, and then mozzarella cheese slices--continue two more times!
- Bake lasagna for 30 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, when finished, let it stand and cool for at least 15-20 minutes.
- Enjoy with a salad and garlic bread!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sewing Endeavor #2
The idea... |
Instructions |
I honestly don't know where I'd be without the help of my mother in these projects. Though I manage to tackle and start the project on my own, I always need her help at some point or another in it, and without her I'd be lost! So thank you mom for your dedication and not giving up on me!
Follow-up of instructions |
Final product, minus the snaps! |
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
My Favorite Men

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Let's Be Honest
I love my job, but I am very much at the end of my rope. The month of March certainly came in like a lion and I'm pretty sure it ate the lamb. Ever since we returned from Christmas break, my students have been rude, repulsive, obnoxious, and the list goes on and on. I've had no intentions for my blog to be a "venting station" but tonight I cannot help myself. It is emotionally and mentally hard for me to physically get up in the mornings, knowing what awaits me. My principal has been supportive, but the assistant principal (who gets clean up duty on all the behavioral problems) isn't my knight in shining armor. Sure he's a decent guy, but c'mon who's really running the show? A kid literally ran down the next hall when I approached him about skipping his class and when the referral that I submitted came back to me, all that was written in chicken scratch at the bottom was "warning." That's it?! Are you kidding me?! A kid can get irate, disrespect me, take off running down the hall to an area he's not supposed to be, and yet he gets off free? I wish I were making this up. This is only one story of which I have tenfold to share.
Yes I am complaining, but don't pity me, and above all else please do not give me any advice about classroom management. I've seen these kids day in and day out since September and I've tried all tricks of the trade. What I'm really saying is please pray for my sanity. I feel that during this challenging time I should be more focused on the Lord, and yet I constantly am getting distracted and discouraged. I realize that you do not know the fullness of my story and the situation or school I am part of, but anything that can take your eyes off the prize is not good. Above all else, I am worried that because I have not been diligent unto the Lord, that He won't take me out of my current situation either. Adam and I have been praying for direction for so long and we both feel that He is calling us out of this location, but no doors have been opened. I know better than to worry and if God truly wants me to remain here for His purpose then I will; it's just not what I want right now. So please say a little prayer for me and ask that I can keep my eyes and heart focused on what really matters.
Yes I am complaining, but don't pity me, and above all else please do not give me any advice about classroom management. I've seen these kids day in and day out since September and I've tried all tricks of the trade. What I'm really saying is please pray for my sanity. I feel that during this challenging time I should be more focused on the Lord, and yet I constantly am getting distracted and discouraged. I realize that you do not know the fullness of my story and the situation or school I am part of, but anything that can take your eyes off the prize is not good. Above all else, I am worried that because I have not been diligent unto the Lord, that He won't take me out of my current situation either. Adam and I have been praying for direction for so long and we both feel that He is calling us out of this location, but no doors have been opened. I know better than to worry and if God truly wants me to remain here for His purpose then I will; it's just not what I want right now. So please say a little prayer for me and ask that I can keep my eyes and heart focused on what really matters.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A Change Will Do You Good!
The Longs on their wedding day! |
It was about a month ago when the hubbs and I were visiting another couple-friend of ours: the Longs (Adam & Kathryn). Back in college, Kathryn and I both wanted to be teachers, she wanted to teach elementary and I wanted secondary; so we had the whole education connection AND we were RAs together during the 2007-2008 school year. So needless to say we've become good friends.
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Short and Sweet! |
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Mr. Opportunity, Welcome Back!
Remember when I blogged about Mr. Opportunity here and here? Well if you remember, Adam and I have been praying for God to show His will to us. We know that change is in the air, we both feel it's coming and are trusting God. We have also shared these opportunities and bits of information with others, especially our parents, siblings, and close friends who have all said that they are praying for us as well! Well I now have an update.
The position for the upcoming history teacher at Mathews High School (Adam's hometown) was not approved in the budget and this evening I received an email from my old high school history teacher basically stating that another Bassett High School (from my hometown) alum has a master's degree in administration and will more than likely be offered a contract. As far as I know this is only contingent upon the remainder of this school year, not the next, but you know how these things usually turn out...I'm still hopeful that perhaps this is not the case and that it's only for the time being because goodness knows I would love to be near my family again!
And even though we'd both like the chance to be near my family, we're still interested in the possibility of the Air Force, we've simply hit some bumps in trying to get in touch with the Air Force recruiters. I'm not taking that as a sign we're not to talk to them, but to remain persistent and persevere. Please note however, that for someone who enjoys having a "plan" this is driving me nuts, I would love nothing more than to know where we're headed but as a friend of mine recently said, "Where's the fun in that?! "Somehow I feel that the subliminal message God is trying to send my way is to be patient. Oh if that were easier done than said! Anywho, as always please continue to pray for us and God's will as we know that above all else He is #1 and is to be glorified always!
The position for the upcoming history teacher at Mathews High School (Adam's hometown) was not approved in the budget and this evening I received an email from my old high school history teacher basically stating that another Bassett High School (from my hometown) alum has a master's degree in administration and will more than likely be offered a contract. As far as I know this is only contingent upon the remainder of this school year, not the next, but you know how these things usually turn out...I'm still hopeful that perhaps this is not the case and that it's only for the time being because goodness knows I would love to be near my family again!
And even though we'd both like the chance to be near my family, we're still interested in the possibility of the Air Force, we've simply hit some bumps in trying to get in touch with the Air Force recruiters. I'm not taking that as a sign we're not to talk to them, but to remain persistent and persevere. Please note however, that for someone who enjoys having a "plan" this is driving me nuts, I would love nothing more than to know where we're headed but as a friend of mine recently said, "Where's the fun in that?! "Somehow I feel that the subliminal message God is trying to send my way is to be patient. Oh if that were easier done than said! Anywho, as always please continue to pray for us and God's will as we know that above all else He is #1 and is to be glorified always!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Rejuvenation? Yes, please!
This week has drained me of any energy, which I truly need! With the changing of the time on Sunday, my body has had a hard time transitioning. On top of that, our car died Monday, and Adam was stranded in West Point. We were supposed to meet the Air Force recruiter that night but Adam got off work too late so the recruiter said to come back the next evening. So, we decided to make some last minute plans and meet with a friend of ours, Marcus. Along the way we decided to meet up instead of driving two cars out to his house. Adam parked at Nick's and I met him there. Well needless to say when I finally got my stuff outta my car and hopped into his, the thing wouldn't crank! We spent the rest of Monday night trying to fix it, but left discouraged.
Last night, Adam and his dad (who drove all the way out there as well) were able to take off the starter and sure enough when they got to an Advanced Auto to test it, it was dead. So my husband bought another one, drives all the way back to West Point, gets the "new" starter on there only to find that it too doesn't work. He was able to take it back, but they said they'd have to order a new one. So now we're patiently waiting for the new starter to come in. So minus the fact that my body is not well rested, and now that our finances and time aren't either, I'm just ready for some rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.....is it the weekend here yet? Hope your week (and Wednesday) are better than mine!
Last night, Adam and his dad (who drove all the way out there as well) were able to take off the starter and sure enough when they got to an Advanced Auto to test it, it was dead. So my husband bought another one, drives all the way back to West Point, gets the "new" starter on there only to find that it too doesn't work. He was able to take it back, but they said they'd have to order a new one. So now we're patiently waiting for the new starter to come in. So minus the fact that my body is not well rested, and now that our finances and time aren't either, I'm just ready for some rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.....is it the weekend here yet? Hope your week (and Wednesday) are better than mine!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday!
Courtesy of www.girlscouts.org |
Looking back now, I wish I had had the nerve to stick it out and not give up so easily. I know my mom tried to convince me otherwise, but I simply would not budge and chose to leave. If I were smart I would have stayed in it and earned the respect of my peers as well as achieve something many women do not. Anywho, these have always been a special treat for me, and should you see a couple of girl scouts trying to earn some money for their troop and/or earn a badge be sure to help 'em out!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Let's go back to Thanksgiving!
Appetizers |
Mom & Adam making Chex Mix |
Anywho, all of this is to say how wonderful it is to remember what we're thankful for throughout the year, not just at Thanksgiving. Normally these "I'm thankful for" lists go on and on and there's only three things that I wanted to mention today: (1) how great it is to know the I Am (it is extraordinary to serve the God in whose image we are made of, and in who's power we were created. There is no better realization that without Him my life would be meaningless). (2) I also want to thank my brother for standing up and not looking back after taking the plunge of faith. You're an inspiration to me and I'm proud of you. I am thankful for all the memories we share growing up, even the times we fought and couldn't stand to be around one another. We may be miles apart but you're no more than a thought (or phone call) away! And lastly (3) I'm thankful the Lord has placed me where he has at Charles City. I seem to have forgotten the opportunity I have to share who the Lord is and to be a positive light to my students. So I'm thankful for being pushed out of my comfort zone and strengthening me through the experiences I have had there! I'm not quite where I should be, but I'm much farther and better off than where I once was!
So in return what are you thankful for? What have you forgotten to remember and praise the Lord about since Thanksgiving? (Please feel free to share!)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Teaching is the....
The door to my classroom! |
Student's desks and my ActivBoard |
My desk and bulletin board |
Bookshelves/Closet |
Chalkboard/TV |
About a week ago I posted about opportunity and the fact that Adam and I are looking for direction. Well not too soon after that, I actually had received notice that there's an anticipated high school history position in Mathews County and yesterday (I'll tell you about this later) I discovered that there's an opening at my old high school for a history position as well. I can hardly believe that both schools have anticipated positions open. Adam and I had already been praying about Mathews and now we're praying about Bassett, too. We would just ask for you to be prayerful with us, that God would blatantly open or close the door where we should or should not go because above all else we want to remain faithful to Him. Let me leave you with my favorite verse:
Psalm 25:4-5 (New International Version, ©2011)
4 Show me your ways, LORD,
teach me your paths.
5 Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
teach me your paths.
5 Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Banana Nut Bread
Lately I had a hankering for banana nut bread! Yum! So I went to my handy dandy and most cherished cook book - Better Homes & Gardens New Cook Book, the red plaid cover. If you yourself have been fortunate enough to this book then you'll be even more delighted that you're just a few pages away from sheer joy. If you open to the Bread section, you'll notice the Favorite Banana Bread recipe on page 130. This is the recipe I used for my banana nut bread.
I realize that not everyone may have this cookbook so I'll share with you this particular recipe:
Prep Time: 25 minutes Bake Time: 55 minutes
Oven Setting: 350 degrees Fahrenheit
Makes: 1 loaf (16 slices)

Yeah I didn't follow that last part. As soon as it cooled down from the oven, I sliced and lathered on with butter a piece for me and a piece for my father-in-law. Wholly goodness. Yum. Try it!
I realize that not everyone may have this cookbook so I'll share with you this particular recipe:
Prep Time: 25 minutes Bake Time: 55 minutes
Oven Setting: 350 degrees Fahrenheit
Makes: 1 loaf (16 slices)
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1 1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas (5 medium)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup cooking oil or melted butter or margarine
- 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
Lumpy Banana Nut Bread Batter |
- Preheat the over to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease bottom and 1/2 inch up the sides of one 9x5x3 inch loaf pan; set aside. In a large bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Make a well in center of flour mixture; set aside.
- In a medium bowl combine eggs, mashed bananas, sugar, and oil. Add egg mixture all at once to flour mixture. Stir just enough until moistened (batter should be lumpy). Fold in walnuts. Spoon batter into prepared loaf pan. (See photo)
- Bake for 55 to 60 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near center come out clean (if necessary, cover loosely with foil the last 15 minutes of baking to prevent overbrowning). Cool in pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Remove from pan. Cool completely on rack. Wrap, store overnight before slicing.
Yeah I didn't follow that last part. As soon as it cooled down from the oven, I sliced and lathered on with butter a piece for me and a piece for my father-in-law. Wholly goodness. Yum. Try it!
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