Mr. & Mrs.

This is me and the mister! We met briefly in September of 2007 and throughout that fall and the spring of 2008 saw bits and pieces of each other here and there. How is that possible? The mister's brother (Luke) went to college with me, thus why I saw him sparsely throughout that year. It wasn't until nearly a year later, in August 2008 that I went with Luke to visit him and his family after Youth EnCounter (YEC) and truly had the time to hang out with the mister. Through a series of random trips, on my part and Adam's, we kept in touch and he eventually worked up the gumption to ask for my phone number. We talked for hours (did I mention we were six hours apart?!) staying up into the wee hours of the morning. Finally, by that November, on my birthday to be exact, the mister asked me to be his girl, seven months later the mister popped the question, and nearly a year after we started dating we got hitched! It's been nearly three years and I am loving every minute of it! All praise and thanks to the One who makes all things possible for without Him none of this would have been possible!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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