We are "family."
Chappelears & Davises. |
So this may be a little late, but mothers and fathers can be appreciated all year, not just on a particular day, right? Right! If it weren't for the people featured in the picture to the right, my parents (Mike & Berta) are on the left, while Adam's parents (Marty & Al) are on the right. Without our folks, neither of us would be here, and that would be very sad indeed. Our parents have also directed and guided us to the Lord. They each have set examples of what it means to follow Christ and have marriages that honor the Lord. Adam and I are very thankful that both our parents are still together; each couple has actually been married for 25+ years, an amount Adam I hope to reach one day as well!
Mike, Marie, and Berta. |
I am so thankful for my parents and in-laws! They are some amazing adults! My parents are my best friends. There's not a thing I could not tell them, if you don't believe me just ask! My parents have always been there to support me and love me no matter what crazy ideas or dumb mistakes I made. I am thankful that have pushed me to always do my best and never, ever give up! Hard work always pays off, and the Lord never leads you astray. Thank you mom and dad for being there for me! You mean the world to me!
Al, Adam, and Marty. |
Many people talk about how wonderful married life is, but don't mention too many of the extra things that come along, such as in-laws. I am very blessed to have such a close relationship with my in-laws, I enjoy the honesty and openness that we have with one another. Here's a tidbit for those who don't know the reason we're so close is because when I graduated from college I was looking for experience substitute teaching, and I figured I'd go back home and live with my parents, thus keeping mine and Adam's relationship long distance. Well Marty called my mother and the two of them got to talking and before I knew it, after I had visited before Christmas, I was asked to come move in with them to a) get that experience to help open a door somewhere and b) to be closer to my sweetheart and develop our relationship a bit further. I'm pretty sure we all know that (b) was the
reason I went. Despite the case that those were some odd circumstances, I am so thankful for that experience. Marty & Al welcomed me into their house as if I were one of their own, and through that experience I learned a lot about the Davis family that I doubt I would have learned otherwise and vice versa! (Poor Marty & Al didn't know what to do with a loud overly excited girl in the house since they had only boys)! However, with that being said, I highly doubt Adam and I would have been engaged so soon or married had it not been for that experience.
Both of our parents have been extremely supportive of our relationship and each of us feel that the other's parents have done nothing but treat the other as they would their own son/daughter. We are so very blessed to have them in our lives and we hope to one day become the kind of parents they have been to us. It is our prayer that the Lord would bless them doubly even though we owe them more than money or words could ever express. So thank you mom and dad! We love you both! (And yes we hope to bring some grandchildren into this world before too long)!
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