Yesterday I got to school skidaddled around to get all my stuff together, wished my students who were re-taking the best of luck and then left to spend my day as a chaperon on the senior picnic trip. The picnic went better than planned and I enjoyed myself a lot more than I did last year. As predicted, my students who hurled threats all week of me getting thrown in the pool, yes that did come true, twice actually! Don't worry, I was prepared and had extra clothes on standby. When the picnic was over, we rode the bus back to school, and then I got the news I had mulled over and stressed out about for two weeks, my SOL results.
I won't drag this out any further or give you any such false inclinations to think the scores were amazing. The truth is, only two out of the ten passed, leaving me with an ultimate 65% pass rate. I did not cry although I felt like it. All I could do was say, amen because had God wanted anything different it would have been. However, I am still human and still somewhat disappointed. I am waiting for my colleagues VSEP binders to return and see if we'll remain accredited in the History Dept. Hopefully *fingers crossed* we will because goodness knows I'd hate for anyone in the state to step in next year. So there you have it, the SOL finale. Now all that's left is graduation and a long enjoyable summer!
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