Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy 4 Months, Caleb!

Dear Caleb,

You're now four months old! Spring time is finally here and with it, so is the warm weather, beautiful blossoming flowers, and all things green. This month has been one of trial and extra stress since mom had to return to work. That first week back was the toughest--a lot of tears where shed on everyone's part. Mom cried the most especially when she had to leave in the mornings, but what kept her going was the fact that at the end of each day she got to see you!

Thankfully, others have been there to take care of you such as Dad on his days off, and when he has to work, Papa, Uncle Nathan, Oma, or GramMarty have been able to help as well. While the bulk of your days are now currently spent with the Chappelears, your GramMarty had the chance to come to town and spent an entire week with us! She and you enjoyed your days together and it helped ease the burden of gathering all of your stuff and lugging it off to Papa & Oma's. (Not that we're complaining about free babysitting by any means!!!!) Oma has been able to watch you about once a week and she loves her time with you as well. Between the two of them you're getting lots of spoiling by your grandmas and we know you're eating it up!

This month we officially found at that the red blotches on your knees, back, head, and elbows is eczema. At first we just thought it was cradle cap but as time passed it got worse and finally Dad took you to the doctor where it was confirmed that your skin is just super sensitive. It's been difficult pin pointing what the cause is and how to help you. We've changed laundry detergents, tried different bath time washes, lotions, creams, etc. The only thing that seems to help is hydrocortisone, but even the pediatrician recommends that only when absolutely necessary. She has advised Mom to watch what she eats to see if there may be certain foods that are causing you to outbreak more since you're still nursing. I'm sure we'll have more to update you on next month as we continue to battle manage it.

In other news, it's hard to believe that it was this month a year ago we found out we were pregnant with you! It was such a whirlwind of emotions we felt when we discovered we had a bun in the oven. You were our unexpected planned pregnancy :-) and we wouldn't change this journey for the world! So much has changed in just over a year, like the fact that you're now here!!! A year ago, you were about the size of a sweet pea. Now, you're growing in leaps and bounds and rolling over like a champ! You're growing right in front of our eyes and it's such a blessing to witness it.

You've also had a lot of firsts this month as well. You celebrated (via Skype) GramMarty's 51st birthday, met oodles of cousins, put your feet in the grass (and thoroughly enjoyed it), met and had dinner with your sweet Great Aunt Beatrice, wore your first cloth diaper--Charlie Banana, and met former U.S. Presidential candidate Virgil Goode at Subway with Ashley Warrick (though  you were too busy crying to care). Today you received your second set of shots and you handled it like a champ, pouting only a little while still pulling off a handsome toothless grin before we left the office. Mom is suuuper excited about next month since it means the end of school is approaching and summertime is right around the bend! You continue to amaze us! We're thankful for another month with you and look forward to next!

With love,
Mom & Dad

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Back to the 'Ol Grindstone

Can we have an honest conversation about my desires?! I want to be a stay at home wife/mother. I don't want to stay at home forever, just for the next few years while Adam and I are family planning and I can help bring up/rear my children rather than another adult do so. I completely understand that financially it is impossible for many women, including myself, to stay at home, but if I could I would do it in an instant. I now know why some women LOVE it and why they choose to lead that kind of lifestyle (granted that they and their husbands are in agreement first). But in the meantime, I don't get the luxury of staying at home. I do indeed have to return to work and let me just say that it sucks! 

And in the next breath let me also say, "I love my job!" I really do! I enjoy the fact that no two days are a like, that I never have a typical 9-5 day where I'm stuck behind a computer screen, and that I have weekends, summers, and holidays off. I am enthralled and engulfed with the belief that I can be a positive light to teenagers and that I can make a difference in their lives; but I am so afraid that going back to work will mean that I'm going to miss out on so much that my little boy is doing. I don't want others to witness all of Caleb's momentous and joyous accomplishments just because I have to work. It is ripping my heart in half realizing that tomorrow I'll have to kiss my son and walk out the door. I know God has a season and a plan for everything, my heart and mind just can't seem to grasp the concept that during this season I'm not meant to be a stay at home wife/mother.

Let me be honest, I'm as nervous as a first year teacher wondering how my kids at school are going to be. I'm also skeptical whether I'll be able to make through the day without crying puddles and I'm less than thrilled that I'll now have to pump rather than be at Caleb's disposal whenever he needs to eat.  The only thing that will get me through this is 1) my encouraging husband, 2) my faithful and willing-to-babysit-for-free family, and 3) that there's only seven weeks left until summer vacation! I know I can survive seven weeks, but I wish I didn't have to endure this at all. I know this time is precious and it's a gift, I hope I can continue to see it that way come tomorrow. Until then, please say a prayer for me and my family!