I blogged over the weekend about missing my husband since he was on his guy trip, but I also mentioned that I had a busy day with my mom. I can't even remember the last time the two of us had some time together and it was soooo refreshing! We went to my cousin's bridal shower where we were able to catch up with some family! The shower was a blast and we had a lot of fun gabbing about babies, my cousin's upcoming nuptials, and other shenanigans. After the shower, mom and I decided why let the phone stop there and stopped by Valley View Mall in Roanoke. We hit up JCPenney (who apparently said they took down their maternity line last week but will have it up again next week??? Seriously, you're killing me smalls!) so we ended up doing some shopping at Motherhood Maternity. I'd been there before, but since their clothes are a little more expensive, I wanted to see if I could get a better deal elsewhere first, however, this store truly had the better items for what I needed.

The reason for us stopping to shop is because with school fast approaching I needed to get some career appropriate maternity clothes. I have a lot of beautiful tops I've worn throughout the years, but I can't fit into most of them (sad face). So I found a few items I can add to my wardrobe without breaking the bank. Check out what I got! At the top are two tops of identical style, but different colors and next is a pair of gray dress pants, love them and they fit great! And to the right is another top I can either wear with the gray pants or other pants I'm still able to get my behind into! I'm currently awaiting a package that should hopefully have a cardigan from Old Navy, I love me some cardigans and its been well over 3-4 years since I bought one, but my white one has recently bit the dust so out with the old in with the new. I love to shop, but with a baby on the way, I've come to realize I really and truly only need to buy what I need instead of what I want, but with the gender reveal in just a few days, I'll have tons of fun registering and possibly shopping for a few baby items that are gonna be for little miss or mister! Oh, and I can't forget, a shout out to my parent's neighbor for finding a pair of maternity capris and skirt for a grand total of $3! She found them at Goodwill and in great condition! Do your thing Goodwill, I'm gonna have to stop by your store soon!
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