Total weight gain: Same as last a total of -7lbs, crazy I know!
How big is baby: The size of a sweet potato!
Maternity Clothes: Yes! Started wearing the mock "bella band" I got from Motherhood Maternity.
Sleep: Still really weird dreams and the sleep has been off and on for being good and bad.
Best moment this week: Making it to 18 weeks!
Movement: Still waiting to feel the flutters. Nothing yet, but hopefully something soon!
Food cravings: Tacos and ice cream, but not at the same time!
Food aversions: None really, still no processed foods.
Gender: We'll find out in 2 weeks!!!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach
What I'm not loving: Having a stuffy nose and lots of painful headaches!
What I'm not loving: Having a stuffy nose and lots of painful headaches!
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling the baby move!!!
What I'm loving: The fact that our basement is finally coming together!
Milestone(s): We're officially in the 5th month!
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