Sunday, December 9, 2012

Preggo Stats--38 Weeks

How far along: 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 12 1/2lbs (I've gained another pound and a half)
This is the holiday outfit I mentioned in last week's stats.
How big is baby: The size of a pumpkin!
Maternity Clothes: Yep! In fact, I really could buy some more because even what I do have is starting to become uncomfortable, but I refuse to spend more money with Christmas so close, and since I won't be like this forever (though it sometimes feels that way)
Sleep: Still bad...although I was able to sleep in this weekend with Adam for the first time in a long time and it felt glorious!
Best moment this week: Finding our that we are 1cm dilated and 30-40 effaced!
Movement: Same as last week's: Despite not having as much room, he's still a pretty active fella.(Although he did give us a scare this morning--he didn't move for the longest time--he was probably just sleeping, but needless to say my heart wouldn't stop pounding and worrying until we prayed and he finally moved!)
Food cravings: Christmas goodies--not that I really want to eat a ton of baked goods, but the smells are heavenly, especially almond extract (it's like catnip for me right now)!
Food aversions: None.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: I finally had a random contraction on Monday during my first block class (maybe it was a Braxton Hicks?)--it took my breath away and stunned me for a minute or so, but then passed. I haven't had one since which is kind of upsetting because I wish he were here already.
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep and having the motivation to really get stuff done, like crafting, sewing, scrapbooking, reading a good book, watching a movie, cooking (although I am finally getting my stride back), etc.
What I'm not loving: (1) His feet are all the way up under my ribs, which is killing me! (2) That we still have two weeks of school! (3) Having to be patient awaiting his arrival.
What I’m looking forward to: (1) Obviously, the birth of our son! (2) We only have two weeks left of school--which is glorious since I have only nine of those ten days left with freshmen!
What I'm loving:That I was able to spend some time this weekend with my hubby (he took me out to breakfast yesterday which was a treat) and my mother and I were able to bake away the afternoon today!
Milestone(s): We're finally dilating/effacing which means we're slowly getting into the process of labor!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 38

We're in the final stretch now and honestly, it's amazing I can function as well as I am at school--I've been so absentminded and I hate it, especially since my teenagers think they can take advantage of it! Thankfully, we have two weeks left of school so I'm beyond excited about that, plus the fact that our little one could come any day now has me anxious and on edge, though I know better than to be anxious about anything according to God's Word.

If you remember last week's appointment (read here), you'll recall that I had an unpleasant encounter with one of the doctor's at the practice I am going to. Thankfully, I was able to see the sweet NP at our office this week--her beside manners are awesome and she listened to my concerns and about how that last experience made me feel. She also explained what I could do while I was being checked to be more relaxed so I wouldn't be as uncomfortable and it wouldn't be as painful! I wish she could deliver our little boy!!!

Anywho, at our appointment this past Tuesday we found out that we are 1cm dilated and 30-40% effaced!!! Woohoo! I'm trying not to get too excited because I know several women that were dilated this way for 2 weeks, but I also know a few others who wam-bam-thank you-ma'am continued dilating quickly and had their baby a day or two later! I wish that had been us this week, but it seems like this little one wants to "cook" a little longer. Our next appointment is with the actual doctor I'd love to deliver our son, so I'm hoping things actually turn out that way and he's not on vacation or something. Oh yeah, before I go, I also found out the results of my Group B strep test--it was positive--so as soon as my water breaks I have to come in to the hospital where they will hook an IV up to me and run an antibiotic to prevent the baby from receiving it, if he's born vaginally. And, our little one is teeter-tottering just under 7lbs! As always, check out the rest of his development below.

Courtesy of

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Preggo Stats--37 Weeks

How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 11 (I gained three pounds from all that hearty Thanksgiving food!!!)
How big is baby: The size of a winter melon
Maternity Clothes: Yup! I just got some wintery/Christmas-y clothes--a turtleneck, red cardigan, and silver sequined shirt (you'll see this outfit in the next post) but what's great is that none of those items are maternity so I'll be able to wear them after the baby's born.
Sleep: Getting worse! I feel like a zombie most mornings--groggy and all out of sorts because I'm not getting enough sleep and what I am getting isn't good.
Best moment this week: Having a Happy 26th Birthday :-)
Movement: Despite not having as much room, he's still a pretty active fella.
Food cravings: Moose tracks ice-cream(thanks Mom & Dad)!
Food aversions: None this week.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None and still no Braxton Hicks (which surprises me)!
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep!
What I'm not loving: That we still have three weeks of school! Long car rides: we went to get our glider this week and I couldn't handle the hour ride to Roanoke! 
What I’m looking forward to: That we only have three weeks left of school! Getting our Christmas decorations up! I love this time of year!
What I'm loving: We got our Christmas tree--it makes the house smell amazing!
Milestone(s): (1) We FINALLY got a glider (see picture)! This was the one item Adam really wanted and we've had the most difficult time finding one since we refused to pay for a brand new one that would cost too much! Adam finally found one from a lady off Craiglist in Roaonke for $60 with an ottoman, too! We drove up Thursday night and got it, it's perfect--the size is a bit larger so it's more comfortable and the material is super soft! Way to go hubbs! (2) The nursery is finally complete (a post to come on that later)!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 37

**Disclaimer: this post contains some embarrassing info; I'm just being honest about the latest doctor's visit...proceed if you dare!

Geez Louise we've made it full term! Praise the Lord! At this point, if our little fella decides to show up he'd be able to leave the hospital with us when it's time to go. Our next appointment is a few days away and I'm excited to see whether or not we've dilated or effaced any! It's hard to believe we have less than 3 weeks until he could possibly be here--thankfully we at least know for sure he'll be born before the end of this month so he'll be a 2012 baby! And, can you believe today's December 1st?! I finished the last of my Saturday classes, so at least I'm good to go for meeting re-certification requirements for the next five years! It'll be interesting to see if I stay at BHS in the next five years or if God will have other plans.

In the meantime, we met our goal of having everything ready for the baby before December--the last thing we really wanted/needed was a glider w/ottoman--and praise the Lord we found one in Roanoke for $60 and it's in the BEST condition of any we've seen! Wahoo! With everything ready, I'm hoping this means we'll be able to enjoy the last of our time together as a couple before the baby arrives!

Also, I had an appointment on my birthday (which kind of sucked but oh well)--it was the first one Adam wasn't able to make it to so I was a bit uneasy to begin with. Well, the doctor I saw wasn't the one of my choice--he doesn't have bedside manners, but I was stuck with him for this week. His nurse came in all cheerful to say that he would be checking my cervix, and forgive me for saying this, but I thought all he would do was look down at my lady parts; I had no idea he would jab, yes JAB his fingers up inside of me (btw I found out I wasn't dilated or effaced any)!!! Let's just say I wanted to crawl in a hole and die! He gave no mention of what he would do and what to expect and it hurt like crazy! What a jerk! I know it made my husband feel terrible, too since he couldn't be there and had to hear me complain of this second hand, but let me be clear, I will not be seeing this doctor for the rest of our pregnancy and I pray to God he's noth the one that delivers our little boy! Welp, now that you've got the lowdown on our latest appointment, it's time for me to run--the hubbs is about to get off work and we're gonna go get our Christmas tree! As always, check out our little fella's progress below!

Courtesy of

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Preggo Stats--36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 8 (probably more now that I've had my fill of platefuls of Thanksgiving food)! 
How big is baby: The size of a honeydew melon
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Sleep: I had the best night's sleep at our friends the Vaughan's house, but ever since it's been kind of crappy (which I knew was something to expect)
Best moment this week: Going to Mobjack to spend Thanksgiving with our family, seeing some friends we haven't in a while, putting up the Christmas tree with Adam's family and then making it back safely to spend Black Friday aka our "Thanksgiving" with my family as well. 
Movement: TONS -- especially after eating Thanksgiving food!
Food cravings: Ham and stuffing which was graciously eaten this week!
Food aversions: Celery--it was in Granny's stuffing and I couldn't eat it :-(
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None and still no Braxton Hicks (which surprises me)!
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep!
What I'm not loving: That we still have four weeks of school! And car rides! I found out that the trip coming home from Mobjack nearly drove me insane so we can say for sure we won't be taking any more trips until this fella arrives!
What I’m looking forward to: That we only have four weeks of school! And my birthday--I'll be the whopping 2-6 this year!
What I'm loving: Thanksgiving leftovers! We have less than a month to go until the due date and only one month until Christmas!
Milestone(s): We received some lovely gifts from some family that didn't make it to the baby shower in October and they were some BIG ones: a swing and a bassinet! Thank you Kim, Dru, Allison, and Ashley!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 36

We've officially made it to the ninth month! I'm so excited I could pee myself---actually I really could go to the back in a sec!

Phew! Anywho, praise God that we've made it this far--it's hard to imagine that in one more week our little fella will be considered full term! This week has been amazing! We've been able to travel and visit family and friends we haven't had the chance to visit in a month and of course eat lots of wonderful Thanksgiving goodies that we feasted on even days later. I believe our little fella truly enjoyed the experience as it felt like he did somersault after somersault when I fixed plates of the delicious goodness later! At our last appointment it was estimated that he's approximately just under/around the 6lb mark and he's still being estimated at 7-7 1/2 pounds at birth--a normal healthy baby weight! As always, I'll ramble more about our family shenanigans in the preggo stats this week, but please check out little man's development below.
Courtesy of

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Preggo Stats--35 Weeks

How far along: 35 weeks
Total weight gain: 8lbs 
How big is baby: The size of a coconut - but he's waaay cuter ;-) 
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Sleep: Same as last week - it hasn't been too bad lately (probably because I fall asleep around 9-9:30 most nights)
Best moment this week: Celebrating a happy and wonderful 3 year anniversary to my favorite man!
Movement: TONS as always and we're both loving every minute of it!
Food cravings: Cereal
Food aversions: None.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None and still no Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out: In, but managing to shrink away.
What I miss: Spending the weekends with Adam...that is really getting to me :-(
What I'm not loving: Same as last week: my fourth block class, that is really my biggest complaint--but I'm trying to see them as an opportunity to persevere and find joy in the Lord (but trust me this is hard)!
What I’m looking forward to: (1) Going to the Christmas Craft Show at BHS and meeting up with some girlfriends for breakfast--it does my heart good to be with friends (2) Thanksgiving! Gah - gimme that ham and stuffing now!
What I'm loving: The approaching holiday season--this is my favorite time of year!
Milestone(s): Celebrating three wonderful years to my hubby, he's the best man and I'm so thankful God made him mine!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 35

Today we are 35 weeks and have only 35 days to go, unbelievable! This time next week we'll be chowing down on some good Thanksgiving food and I'll be relishing time from school--those kids are starting to get to me! Baby boy has only two more weeks to go until he's considered full term so I'm hoping and praying he doesn't come before then. We had an appointment yesterday to have the Group B strep test. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but we were able to have the portable ultrasound brought in to our room. They said they don't typically do this, but since the last doctor couldn't determine if he really was head down (seriously, you're a doctor---how did you not know?!?!) and we found out he is---and apparently has been for weeks so maybe this little fella will decide to come, who knows?! In the meantime check out he's development below.

Courtesy of

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy 3 Years Hubby!

Just married!
Prayer during wedding ceremony
Today marks three years that Adam and I have been married---and they have been the best three years of my life! I can't imagine being married to a better man. God, who is faithful and abounding in love, was gracious enough to give me His son, also sent me an amazing man that I have the pleasure and privilege of calling my husband. When I think of 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13 aka the "love passage," Adam fits it like a puzzle piece--"he is patient, kind, he doesn't envy others, he is not boastful, is not proud, does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs. He does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 

Love birds :-)


Even after three years, he continues to amaze me. We were both so very blessed to have never dated anyone else but each other, which I think makes our love story particularly sweet and special. I remember a time when I was in college and I so very much asked and prayed that the Lord would open certain doors and relationships for me with guys I thought I was head over heels for, but by waiting on His timing, I received the best gift of all--Adam. He is my better half and best friend. He makes me want to be a better person, wife, friend, teacher, daughter, soon-to-be-mother and most importantly follower of Christ.

The night Adam proposed
He encourages me, supports me, makes me laugh and listens to me gab away about the most random things. He puts up with the insanely long hours I've been pulling this year at work and he never complains about helping me grade papers when I'm behind.

Throughout this pregnancy he has been extremely supportive and helpful--he's done the dishes more than I can remember and has cleaned the house without me asking him to! He is a diamond in the rough and he's going to be an amazing father to our son and future children. Thank you Adam for being such a wonderful Godly man; for being genuine, honest, and earnest in your love for me. I love you always!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Preggo Stats--34 Weeks

How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 3/4 almost 7 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a butternut squash (which is perfect since it's Fall)
Maternity Clothes: Yessum! I'm hoping to get a few pieces from Motherhood Maternity for the holiday season
Sleep: It hasn't been too bad lately (probably because I fall asleep around 9-9:30 most nights)
Best moment this week: Having Election Day off was such a nice break from the regular work week!
Movement: TONS!
Food cravings: Mom's Hamburger Soup (it's more like vegetable soup with hamburger) and Japanese food (thankfully I had both of my cravings satisfied this week!)
Food aversions: None.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None yet, but I am awaiting Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out: In- but getting "smaller" according to Adam
What I miss: Keeping up with others when walking--I've definitely got the waddle going on ;-)
What I'm not loving: My fourth block class, that is really my biggest complaint--but I'm trying to see them as an opportunity to persevere and find joy in the Lord (but trust me this is hard)!
What I’m looking forward to: Thanksgiving! It is my favorite holiday and while we're not sure what Adam's schedule will be yet, I've got my fingers crossed hoping we'll be able to make a trip out to Mobjack again to see our family and friends!
What I'm loving: All the progress we've made in getting ready for the baby!!! 
Milestone(s): I got all the baby clothes washed and organized and made some more progress in getting the nursery ready thanks to my bestest Hazel!

Baby's Development - Week 34

Six weeks to go and our little one will hopefully be in our arms! It's crazy to think about how fast time has flown by--it feels as if it were yesterday we just found out we were pregnant! Between last weekend and this weekend we've been extremely productive in getting the nursery ready--we still have some work to do on the house (i.e., CLEANING). Hazel came down on election day and helped me wash a ton of our little fella's clothes and get them organized and put away as well--thanks Hazel! We had our doctor's appointment on Wednesday who said everything (again) looks absolutely great and both baby boy and I are doing well! She estimated him at just under 5 lbs and thinks he'll be around 7 lbs at birth (which is what the previous doctor said, too)--this is music to my ears because we received a ton of newborn clothes and I'd love for him to be able to actually wear them!

On a side note, today my father and I are going to Rocky Mount to hopefully meet a lady who has a glider for sale. All that Adam and I really need/want to get for the nursery at this point is a glider w/ottoman, a changing table---which we're going to get from our wonderful friends Marcus & Gina-- another lamp, some wall decorations (since ours are looking bare) and then I'd like to finish the skirt, bumper, and shopping cart cover since we have yet to finish those. Minus a few other items for the baby we've been making tons of progress which makes me all kinds of happy since my goal for the month is to have everything ready to go by December 1 so we can relax and enjoy getting ready for Christmas :-)

Courtesy of

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Preggo Stats--33 Weeks

How far along: 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a durian--don't worry I had no idea what this was either. Apparently it's some kind of fruit. You can see some images of it here.
Maternity Clothes: Yessum!
Sleep: Getting slightly better, but my back sure is killing me!
Best moment this week: spending Halloween with my hubby and friends!
Movement: Tons of it and I'm loving it!
Food cravings: Halloween candy, but I crave that every year at this time ;-)
Food aversions: None.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Hopefully none for a few more weeks!!!
Belly button in or out: In- but getting more shallow
What I miss: Being able to sleep through the entire night.
What I'm not loving: My fourth block class, that is really my biggest complaint--but I'm trying to see them as an opportunity to persevere and find joy in the Lord (but trust me this is hard)!
What I’m looking forward to: Having Tuesday off for Election Day and having this presidential election done and over with!!! (I love teaching Government but there's only so many negative ads a girl can take!)
What I'm loving: The nursery is finally coming along! I've been worried/anxious to get it done for weeks now and we're finally able to work on it!
Milestone(s): We're now into the last six weeks at school and November provides us with lots of days off so I'm really really excited that there's finally a light at the end of this tunnel for school!

Baby's Development - Week 33

We've got 7 more weeks to until baby's debut! I'm honestly hoping he'll come after first semester ends. We found out that FMLA will kick in if I have him before we leave for Christmas break, but if he comes after school gets out for break then FMLA would start January 7 when teachers are suppose to report back to school. If baby decides to hibernate and stay in the womb a little longer then I'll be able to stay out (if I've done my math correctly) until after spring break which means I'd have to go back to work for about five weeks before summer vacation! Keep your fingers crossed that maybe this will be in God's plans! In other news we're headed back to the doctor next week. We're now on two week cycles, and they sure are flying by! My brother-in-law Luke is in town this weekend so we're about to hit Target up so we can start finalizing the nursery. We're a bit slow in this process, but that's ok; at least (as far as I can remember) we have all the BIG stuff with the exception of some bottles and a swing. Other stuff we can get later, but anyone reading this who knows us is more than welcome to chip in ;-) Oh and one thing I've been meaning to say is how wonderful it feels to feel him moving inside me! I love his little kicks, hiccups, and all around movement. Lately, it seems as if he's starting to get anxious as he's pushing out more and more and we can see (what we think) is his head push out, which is exciting and a bit painful, but very worth it! Ok enough with the update for now, check out baby's development below!

Courtesy of

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Preggo Stats--32 Weeks

How far along: 32 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a squash
Maternity Clothes: Yessum!
Sleep: Good and bad depending on the night.
Best moment this week: Being able to take a 3 day weekend with the hubbs to go see family and friends in Mobjack/Mathews, VA where we were able to have Baby Shower#2 & 3!
Movement: Tons of it and I'm loving it!
Food cravings: None this week, maybe ice cream if that.
Food aversions: Nothing really sticks out.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Hopefully none for a few more weeks!!!
Belly button in or out: In but getting more shallow
What I miss: Being able to sleep through the entire night.
What I'm not loving: How tired I am this trimester, I keep going to bed earlier and earlier!
What I’m looking forward to: Halloween--it's right around the corner and I love seeing all the different costumes kids wear, plus my friends Hazel & Amanda will be coming down--we're ordering pizza and gonna watch "Hocus Pocus" while trick-or-treaters come to our door.
What I'm loving: Baby Shower #2 hosted by my sweet mother-in-law and her dear friend Priscilla--it was amazing--pictures and post to come as well as Baby Shower #3 which was given to us by our church in Mathews, VA - Redeeming Grace--both showers really blessed us!
Milestone(s): We got several items we really wanted/needed from the baby showers!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 32

We've made it to 32 weeks which means we're officially in the 8th month! I can hardly believe we have 2 months aka 8 weeks to until this little fella is due! I'm excited, anxious, and somewhat nervous just thinking about how our lives are going to change. We had our doctor's appointment this week and he says everything is great and he's very proud of me for losing weight and maintaining a slow and gradual increase that is really just the baby. Everything's normal and looks good--no high blood pressure, no gestational diabetes, and no swelling so all in all God has been very good to us! And our little fella is doing great, weighing in around 4 1/2 pounds! I thought that seemed a bit much but the doctor says he's just fine and he looks to be around 7 1/2 to 8 pounds at birth which sounds good to me! Anywho, be sure to check out more info on baby's development below!

Courtesy of

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Preggo Stats--31 Weeks

How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a pineapple
Maternity Clothes: You know it!!
Sleep: Good and bad depending on the night.
Best moment this week: We got the stroller my parents and brother got for us! Adam put it together and it looks fantastic, I'm very happy with our choice of stroller!
Movement: Oodles! Apparently its a party in my belly everyday ;-)
Food cravings: Japanese food! (I finally had this for dinner last night!!!)
Food aversions: I've noticed spicy foods are what is triggering (part) of the acid reflux so I'm trying to be more careful by not eating certain foods.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Hopefully none for a few more weeks!!!
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Getting out and doing much; we haven't had much time to ourselves as a couple so I'm really looking forward to the end of this month!
What I'm not loving: How tired I am this trimester, I keep going to bed earlier and earlier!
What I’m looking forward to: Our second baby shower (which will be next weekend) and hosted by my wonderful mother-in-law, Marty! 
What I'm loving: Adam finished painting the trim in the nursery so we're done painting! In other news, I've been going to a Bible study with Sue (a colleague and great sister and friend) for the past couple of weeks and it's doing my heart lots of good!
Milestone(s): We got the stroller this week and today's our first baby shower!!!

Baby's Development - Week 31

Can't believe we've finally made it to 31 weeks, this officially means we are now counting down the single digit weeks we've got left until we meet our little fella! He's probably weighing in around 3 1/2 pounds now, though I honestly think he weighs a little more than that (just ask my bladder, which he has found comfortable to relax on)! He certainly enjoys kicking his mommy and I enjoy it just as much, so does Adam, especially since those little kicks are packing more punch! Today is pretty special because it's our first shower so expect a follow-up post within the next 24 hours!!! Until then check out how our little man is developing!

Courtesy of

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Preggo Stats--30 Weeks

How far along: 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a cucumber
Maternity Clothes: It felt like Christmas this week because I ordered a pair of jeans and they finally arrived (they're the ones I'm wearing in the picture)
Sleep: Continuing to get worse...I know this is a sign of things to come and expect
Best moment this week: Adam and Dad finished painting the nursery (I said this last week, but the color we chose for the top part of the room looked terrible so they fixed it--all that's left is the trim!)
Movement: Oodles! Apparently its a party in my belly everyday ;-)
Food cravings: Japanese food!
Food aversions: I've noticed spicy foods are what is triggering (part) of the acid reflux so I'm trying to be more careful by not eating certain foods.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None--though we are educating ourselves about what to expect!
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Getting out and doing much; we haven't had much time to ourselves as a couple so I'm really looking forward to the end of this month!
What I'm not loving: My 4th block World History I class
What I’m looking forward to: Our first baby shower :-D It's next Saturday and I'm eager and thrilled to see everyone and get lots of goodies for our little fella! 
What I'm loving: Fall -- this is my favorite season!
Milestone(s): We got a few gifts for the baby already!

Baby's Development - Week 30

Wow! I can hardly believe we've made it to 30 weeks, only 10 more to go! I find the "size of baby" this week ironic when considering last week he was the size of an acorn squash; cucumber just doesn't seem as big, especially when most cucumbers my mother grew were pretty pathetic this summer. This kid is packing some punches and I love feeling him move; Adam's feeling him more and more and not only is he feeling him, but other people finally are, too. Next week my mom is hosting a baby shower for this side of the state and my mother-in-law is throwing us one the weekend after that for everyone on that side of the state. It definitely stinks that so many people we love are so far away, but at the same time, it's wonderful to be getting showered with double the showers and blessings :-)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Preggo Stats--29 Weeks

It was homecoming week at the high school I work at and on this particular
day itwas "Throwback Thursday" where you dress up from a period history
and I chose to
be Greek for a day!
How far along: 29 weeks
Total weight gain: 6+ lbs
How big is baby: The size of an acorn squash
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: I've got the whole getting up in the middle of the night thing down, but now I'm starting to toss more and more as its getting more difficult to sleep on my sides, too. 
Best moment this week: Having the weekend off (I had class last weekend and next weekend so having time off is precious)!
Movement: Oodles! Apparently its a party in my belly everyday ;-)
Food cravings: Cheeseburgers -- but the real kind -- not the McDonald's processed stuff!
Food aversions: I've noticed spicy foods are what is triggering (part) of the acid reflux so I'm trying to be more careful by not eating certain foods.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None--though we are educating ourselves about what to expect!
Belly button in or out: Innie
What I miss: I know I've said this before, but sleeping on my stomach
What I'm not loving: My 4th block World History I class--those kids don't know the meaning of discipline and good behavior!
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing the nursery; we only painted it this weekend, and have a ways to go, but my goal is to have the bulk of it finished by the end of this month! And I'm looking forward to the upcoming baby showers!!!!
What I'm loving: The smell, looks, and tastes of fall! (I have candied pecan from BHG in my scentsy and it smells delicious!)
Milestone(s): Getting the nursery painted

What I'm Up To: Crib Sheets

As I've scoured the Internet in search of crib bedding for our little one, I haven't quite found what I was looking for--although truth be told I wasn't quite sure what I was searching for either. Until I stumbled upon this beauty of a nursery. I fell in love with the colors and not the theme of the room. So many websites have bedding that matches a theme instead of colors. I get tired of some rooms so easily (especially seasonally) so I decided to choose colors for our little fella's nursery rather than a theme, so that way I can pick and choose different pieces to  use or retire when I want. The colors we've chosen are gray, orange, lime green, teal/aqua, and bright blue.

Once we made a decision on the colors it was off to finding a bedding set we could use. I found a shop on etsy whose work I love, but when I asked for some prices, I decided that I could make my own bedding and not have to pay nearly as much. It wasn't quite the endeavor I was meaning to take on, but in the end it has been a wonderful experience; not only for me, but my mother as well. We decided to make the crib sheets (we made two) and have registered for a few others. I'm in the process of finishing our little one's shopping cart cover, something I hoped to have finished tomorrow. All-in-all the crib sheets are really easy once you get the hang of it!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 29

This little fella has been kicking up a storm lately! He must think it's party time every evening when I'm trying to rest, because he sure is dancing! We have 11 weeks to go until his due date, and truth be told I can believe it'll be less than two before we're in single digits! God has been so good to me throughout this time--I haven't had any complications and have enjoyed really enjoyed being pregnant! Even though this little one thinks it's party time in my belly, I sure do love feeling him kick and having those family/friends around me feel it, too. How wonderful our God is that it was he who thought to make conception/pregnancy so intricate and miraculous! Check out my preggo stats where I update a little more about how I'm doing, too!

Courtesy of

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Preggo Stats--28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain: 6+ lbs
How big is baby: The size of an eggplant!
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: Still getting up at least once and sometimes twice a night.
Best moment this week: We made it to the third trimester!!!
Movement: Oodles! 
Food cravings: Cereal (just about any kind)
Food aversions: None, just some of the same things I didn't like before I got pregnant.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: Still in
What I miss: Having consistent time off with Adam!
What I'm not loving: My 4th block World History I class--those kids don't know the meaning of discipline and good behavior!
What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery together!
What I'm loving: The weather--it's getting much cooler and feels more like fall!
Milestone(s): Passing the glucose tolerance test after getting a slightly elevated result from the glucose screening!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 28

Hallelujah! We've made it! Praise the Lord, we've made it to the third and final trimester! It's hard to believe that only a few short months ago we discovered we were gonna be parents, and now that day/time continues to get closer and closer! Most nights have been sleepless, but what little sleep I am getting involves dreaming about the birth of our little fella. I often imagine what he'll look like. And at our last doctor's visit, a lactation specialist came in to discuss with us the benefits of skin to skin contact when first born and the importance and benefits of breast feeding. I'm saving the rest of my anxious thoughts in another post, as for now, please read up on baby's boy development!

Courtesy of

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Preggo Stats--27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a rutabaga
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: I am up at least once a night; sometimes twice, but my body is finally adjusting to it, so it's not so bad
Best moment this week: (1) Mom and I finished the crib sheets, I'm now working on our little fella's shopping cart cover seat and curtains for the room. (2) I got a three day weekend with my wonderful husband and his amazing family whom we haven't seen in over a month and a half!
Movement: Yep!
Food cravings: Captain Crunch (for breakfast)
Food aversions: None, just some of the same things I didn't like before I got pregnant.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In, although it's getting more and more shallow (though I doubt it will actually "pop")
What I miss: Sleeping in--this body is determined that it'll be up by 7:30 each day, including weekends
What I'm not loving: Acid reflux, I had my first experience with that this past week, yuck!
What I’m looking forward to: The third trimester!!!! (We're already less than 90 days away from baby's due date)
What I'm loving: The pack 'n play Mom and Dad Davis got us!
Milestone(s): While Mom and Davis were in, we were able to take them to the hospital and take a tour of where we will deliver--it was an exciting (and overwhelming) experience for all of us!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 27

We're one week away from officially being in the third trimester! I can hardly believe! The second trimester has flown by and with it, we've been able to praise God for the many milestones we've reached: documenting this growing belly/baby, finding out the sex of the baby, and feeling this little one squirm and kick! Plus, I have felt GREAT, more like myself this trimester, too. I'm eager to know what the last trimester has in store, I'm hoping I don't waddle too much by the end of this :-) And with this third and final trimester, we're getting that much closer to actually having our little one in our arms---with some of purchases and gifts we are receiving, everyday feels like its becoming more and more of a reality that we're actually going to have a child!!!! I still can't wrap my head around that some days! Check out the baby's development below:

Courtesy of

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Preggo Stats--26 Weeks

How far along: 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a head of lettuce
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: Good or bad, depending on the night. 
Best moment this week:   Getting to spend lotsa time with my Mom! It was her birthday this past week and we were able to celebrate with her :-)
Movement: Yep! Yep! Yep! I've been feeling those little punches/kicks more and more!
Food cravings: Spicy Italian foot long from Subway
Food aversions: Peppermint
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Sleep!
What I'm not loving: My 4th block class, those kids are a handful and stress me out!
What I’m looking forward to: Next week Adam's family will be in for a three day weekend and Adam gets all three days off, woooohooo!
What I'm loving: How blessed we are; God has been so good to us!
Milestone(s): Does making it through another week count?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 26

It blows my mind how fast each week goes by! It's hard to believe that we only have 14 more weeks until our little one is here. Leading up to this week, sleeping has been rough. So I'm truly enjoying the weekends when I'm able to catch up on sleep and be productive when it comes to creating things for the baby; such as crib sheets, shopping cart covers, etc. Other than sleep, I've been feeling great and he's kicking up a storm which is fun for both me and Adam. Besides this check out the update below.
Courtesy of

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Preggo Stats--25 Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs
How big is baby: The size of a head of cauliflower
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
Sleep: Getting worse :-( I am waking up multiple times throughout the night, usually once to use the bathroom and the rest I just can seem to stay asleep.
Best moment this week:    1) Adam felt little bun kick!!! 2) going to see my cousin Courtney get married--congratulations!   3) Sewing the sheets for the crib with mom!
Movement: Yep! Yep! Yep! I've been feeling those little punches/kicks more and more!
Food cravings: Fried chicken (LOVE IT)
Food aversions: None. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Sleep!
What I'm not loving: I've had a cold/upper respiratory infection for over 2 weeks and am over it!! Also, for the next three months I have a class I have to take for re-certification; it's on Saturdays from 8-5pm BOO! Thankfully I only have 4 Saturdays to go!
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing the basement, getting to work on the nursery, and our baby showers!!!
What I'm loving: The fact that I am feeling this little fella more and more!
Milestone(s): Adam felt our little boy kick! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 25

This past week has flown by, which makes me realize that even though I know we've still got some time before this little critter makes his debut, it's also going to go by really fast! Adam and I have finally narrowed our list down and have at least a first name picked out, but not a middle--although I think we'll be pegging that down soon, too. He's starting to move more and more, and Adam finally felt his son kick earlier this week--he's been kicking for a while, and it's gradually getting stronger, but Adam couldn't feel it before, now he can! The look of awe and excitement on his face at the realization that he actually felt his son was indescribable! And today, a former student of mine showed up after school to introduce me to her little one: a boy as well---that definitely had me itching and desiring to hold our little one! How wonderful and precious this experience is and praise God for the work He has done!
Courtesy of

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 21 of Prayer: A Good Name

I've linked up to Hannah's blog for today's day of prayer post. She took the words right out of my mouth. The only thing difference about our pregnancies is that she and her husband have decided to wait to find out if they're having a little boy or girl. So as you read her prayer, remember ours is focusing on seeking the Lord for finding the best name for our little fella.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Book to Be Read in Utero

Some friends of ours, Marcus & Gina recommended getting this book. Their son, like most babies after being born, wailed and cried his little heart out. When Marcus walked over to where the nurse had laid him to get his weight, Marcus began talking to him and immediately their little boy calmed down. Marcus said that his son knew who he was by the sound of his voice; and how did he know his voice? By reading to him! They bought the book "Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go!" and read it to William nearly every day to Gina's pregnant belly. And now that our little fella can hear our voices , we bought the book and have been reading to him, too. Sometimes he'll give a little kick or punch, but I believe he's enamored with listening, especially to his Daddy. So for you all you soon-to-be-mommas check out this book! I LOVE Dr. Seuss and I couldn't be more thrilled that a book like this exists, I definitely give it two thumbs up!

Little Fox

I don't normally write posts like this but I couldn't resist! Check out the adorable outfit I got for my son yesterday from Babies R' Us! I'm totally considering making this the outfit we bring him home from the hospital in versus something Christmas-y (and trust me I love some Christmas)! My favorite part of this outfit is definitely the booty ;-) I think you'd have to agree.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Preggo Stats--24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks
Total weight gain: +1 1/2 lbs (We went to the doctor and found out I dropped another pound and a half)
How big is baby: The size of a cantaloupe! (Between 1-2lbs according to the doctor)
Maternity Clothes: Yep!
24 Weeks
Sleep: This past week has been much better!
Best moment this week: Getting off early to go to the doctor's appointment with Adam!
Movement: Heck yes! I've been feeling those little punches/kicks more and more!
Food cravings: A big fat juicy cheeseburger--thanks for making that happen Hazel ;-)
Food aversions: None. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Getting home from work at a decent time.
What I'm not loving: Still pulling long hours at work, but I know it'll pay off once the baby is here!
What I’m looking forward to: Having a three day weekend, thank you Labor Day!!!
What I'm loving: The fact that I am feeling this little fella more and more!
Milestone(s): We got the crib!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 24

Can you believe it?! We've made it to 24 weeks! This is an amazing accomplishment because from this point forward, with medical intervention of course, baby boy can live on his own outside the womb! We're super excited and thankful that God has brought us this far, and yes we're starting to feel more movement/kicks as baby boy continues to get stronger and bigger!
Courtesy of

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sick & Pregnant

With school in full swing this also means that germs are in full swing as well. Unfortunately for me, I've caught one of those delightful bugs--not a virus, just a cold/sinus infection. I'm going to the baby doc tomorrow and I'm hoping he'll give me the green flag for some meds I can take, but if he raises a red flag, please say a prayer this mess will go away soon. Teaching high schoolers, on top of being pregnant and sick is not fun.

Monday, August 27, 2012

We Did It!

We finally dragged our tails out the door and up to Roanoke with my parents to put together the baby registry at Babies R' Us! It took just over a whopping 3 hours, but we survived, and in the words of my husband, "That wasn't too bad, and it was fun!" I never thought I'd hear those words escape out of his mouth. In fact, it was a good thirty minutes as we were sitting down to dinner that he mentioned how wore out he was from all that "shopping." I laughed and said, "Shopping?! We didn't shop, we didn't buy the first baby item in that store." His response, "Yeah well we stood around and looked at stuff, so that's shopping to me." I gotta laugh at my hubbs and I've got to say how proud I am that on his day off he took the time to get this thing nailed down. Thanks Adam! I love you!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Preggo Stats--Week 23

How far along: 23 weeks
Total weight gain: +3 lbs (I go back to the doctor next week so we'll see how much more I've gained!)
How big is baby: The size of a grapefruit.
Maternity Clothes: Yep! I need to find a pair of jeans I can wear on the weekends so I don't freeze me and this little fella! 
Sleep: Still kind up and down; and I'm still getting up to pee regularly each night.
Best moment this week: Adam and I were able to spend the weekend together!! He was off Saturday & Sunday! And going to my cousin Ashley's baby shower, it was sooo neat and exciting! Makes me excited and anxious for ours!
Movement: Yep, getting stronger and stronger!
Food cravings: Pancakes--thanks Adam for fixing me some!
Food aversions: Pickles...this is ironic, I know. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Having consistent time off with Adam.
What I'm not loving: Still pulling long hours at work, but I know it'll pay off once the baby is here!
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing the basement and beginning to work on the nursery!
What I'm loving: The beginning of cooler weather and that fall is right around the corner!!!
Milestone(s): We finally put a registry together and had a lot of fun doing so!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 23

Baby boy is now the size of a grapefruit which is crazy big considering it was a few weeks he was the size of a grape! It's amazing to think that everything's formed, and for the most part is filling in now. Our "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book indicated that his skin is saggy and that slowly the fat his body will build up over the next few weeks will start to make his translucent body disappear and he'll appear more "baby" like. And he can definitely hear noises as he's starting to move more and more when I'm around my students at school.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Day of School

August 13, 2012
Ok so technically the first day of school was last week, but better late than never, right?! Well as you can tell, I was pretty pumped and excited, ready for the first day to begin! However, as the time drew near for the first block bell to ring, I had a student come out in the hallway to tell me that he could not sit in the seat I had assigned him. He went on to explain that he and the boy he was near did not get along. I told the young man to remain in the hallway with me until the bell rang and when we walked in the classroom together he was to get his belongings and move to the opposite side of the classroom. Well, no sooner did we walk in together than the other boy start up with some sleazy comments. I can't quite remember what was said, but I knew I couldn't allow me or this baby to get stressed out. So, I told the young man I previously spoke to go out in the hallway, where we went across the hall to see Office Acord (our SRO) who kindly handled the situation for me. By the end of that first block that boy had been removed and transferred into another class. Needless to say that first five minutes had me somewhat shaken up for the rest of the day. By the time my class arrived, I was exhausted; unfortunately, that class is my World History I course which is full of freshmen--lots of 14 & 15 year olds. And you'd think after lunch they'd be calm, but they are always ready to go, full of energy! I'd like to say this group isn't a handful, but that'd be a lie. So please, say a pray for me! The rest of the week went by pretty fast, but it was also exhausting. Hopefully with procedures and rules in place and with the kids becoming more familiar to me and vice versa, things will start to calm down! Until then, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the rest of my weekend!