Total weight gain: 11 (I gained three pounds from all that hearty Thanksgiving food!!!)
How big is baby: The
size of a winter melon
Maternity Clothes: Yup! I just got some wintery/Christmas-y clothes--a turtleneck, red cardigan, and silver sequined shirt (you'll see this outfit in the next post) but what's great is that none of those items are maternity so I'll be able to wear them after the baby's born.
Sleep: Getting worse! I feel like a zombie most mornings--groggy and all out of sorts because I'm not getting enough sleep and what I am getting isn't good.
Best moment this week: Having a Happy 26th Birthday :-)
Movement: Despite not having as much room, he's still a pretty active fella.
Food cravings: Moose tracks ice-cream(thanks Mom & Dad)!
Food aversions: None this week.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None and still no Braxton Hicks (which surprises me)!
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep!
What I'm not loving: That we still have three weeks of school! Long car rides: we went to get our glider this week and I couldn't handle the hour ride to Roanoke!
What I’m looking forward to: That we only have three weeks left of school! Getting our Christmas decorations up! I love this time of year!
What I'm not loving: That we still have three weeks of school! Long car rides: we went to get our glider this week and I couldn't handle the hour ride to Roanoke!
What I'm loving: We got our Christmas tree--it makes the house smell amazing!
(1) We FINALLY got a glider (see picture)! This was the one item Adam really wanted and we've had the most difficult time finding one since we refused to pay for a brand new one that would cost too much! Adam finally found one from a lady off Craiglist in Roaonke for $60 with an ottoman, too! We drove up Thursday night and got it, it's perfect--the size is a bit larger so it's more comfortable and the material is super soft! Way to go hubbs! (2) The nursery is finally complete (a post to come on that later)!
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