That first week home was a bit rough on us all. I experienced the typical baby blues, but it only lasted a week thank goodness! What was really tough was that Oma wasn't able to stay with us like we'd hoped because she got bronchitis. Instead, GramMarty stayed with us taking care of some household chores like washing dishes, keeping up with the laundry, fixing dinner, and taking care of you so we could get some rest. Auntie Hazel also came down that week and boy was she a big help!!! She came in and took care of getting all the Christmas decorations down (almost) single-handedly, got the house sparkly clean -- I mean cleaned everything to a "T," and even took on some of the night shifts of feeding and changing you so we could get some extra sleep. Your Papa & Uncle Nate came over a few nights to visit as well. Once Oma was better she did her share of seeing you and your Pawpaw stayed until he had to go back to work and returned as soon as he could to see you and take GramMarty home. It did us good to see so many people and to have so much help because by that Friday (January 4th) Dad had to return to work. It was a bit scary being home alone, just the three of us. We weren't sure we'd be able to do the job, but God provided us the skills necessary to be your parents and we've LOVED it!
We went to the doctor three times this first month. You had your first visit on January 3rd second on January 10th and both with Dr. Self at Martinsville Pediatrics. Your third visit was with the NP on January 22nd (we had you checked out because I thought you had thrush but you didn't). At that first appointment you were 8lbs 12oz, 9lbs 5oz by the second, and 9lbs 12oz by the third! It'll be interesting to see how much you gain by next month! We call you our little piglet for a reason. ;-)
Be sure to check out both the banner pictures which include some fun facts, stats, and milestones from this month!
Some things that you'll probably want to know when you're older is "Was it tough taking care of you?" And the answer is: yes and no! You're an excellent baby, you're not colicky which is great, and we're following the "on-demand" schedule which means we take care of you, when you show signs that you're hungry, sleepy, want to play, etc. although you've pretty much set your own schedule (e.g., you wake up every night around 4-5am). You're not fussy and you're pretty relaxed no matter what's going on. Plus, you didn't pee on us, which was awesome, although you did get your Oma pretty good the first time you met her! You sleep through practically anything thanks to all the noises that you heard at Brenner's Children's Hospital when you were in their nursery. The only thing you seem to struggle with is burping--you hate that and always cry when it comes time to do so (especially since we burp you after every ounce to two ounces). You also struggle with latching on for breastfeeding--you prefer the bottle for sure! You hated your first bath and cried all the way through it, but after that first one you realized it's not so bad after all, especially since we're there with you! All in all it's been a good month, we're looking forward to more sleep in the next and of course making more memories! We love you and we thank God for Him allowing us to be your parents!
-Mom & Dad
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