Sunday, December 9, 2012

Preggo Stats--38 Weeks

How far along: 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 12 1/2lbs (I've gained another pound and a half)
This is the holiday outfit I mentioned in last week's stats.
How big is baby: The size of a pumpkin!
Maternity Clothes: Yep! In fact, I really could buy some more because even what I do have is starting to become uncomfortable, but I refuse to spend more money with Christmas so close, and since I won't be like this forever (though it sometimes feels that way)
Sleep: Still bad...although I was able to sleep in this weekend with Adam for the first time in a long time and it felt glorious!
Best moment this week: Finding our that we are 1cm dilated and 30-40 effaced!
Movement: Same as last week's: Despite not having as much room, he's still a pretty active fella.(Although he did give us a scare this morning--he didn't move for the longest time--he was probably just sleeping, but needless to say my heart wouldn't stop pounding and worrying until we prayed and he finally moved!)
Food cravings: Christmas goodies--not that I really want to eat a ton of baked goods, but the smells are heavenly, especially almond extract (it's like catnip for me right now)!
Food aversions: None.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: I finally had a random contraction on Monday during my first block class (maybe it was a Braxton Hicks?)--it took my breath away and stunned me for a minute or so, but then passed. I haven't had one since which is kind of upsetting because I wish he were here already.
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep and having the motivation to really get stuff done, like crafting, sewing, scrapbooking, reading a good book, watching a movie, cooking (although I am finally getting my stride back), etc.
What I'm not loving: (1) His feet are all the way up under my ribs, which is killing me! (2) That we still have two weeks of school! (3) Having to be patient awaiting his arrival.
What I’m looking forward to: (1) Obviously, the birth of our son! (2) We only have two weeks left of school--which is glorious since I have only nine of those ten days left with freshmen!
What I'm loving:That I was able to spend some time this weekend with my hubby (he took me out to breakfast yesterday which was a treat) and my mother and I were able to bake away the afternoon today!
Milestone(s): We're finally dilating/effacing which means we're slowly getting into the process of labor!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 38

We're in the final stretch now and honestly, it's amazing I can function as well as I am at school--I've been so absentminded and I hate it, especially since my teenagers think they can take advantage of it! Thankfully, we have two weeks left of school so I'm beyond excited about that, plus the fact that our little one could come any day now has me anxious and on edge, though I know better than to be anxious about anything according to God's Word.

If you remember last week's appointment (read here), you'll recall that I had an unpleasant encounter with one of the doctor's at the practice I am going to. Thankfully, I was able to see the sweet NP at our office this week--her beside manners are awesome and she listened to my concerns and about how that last experience made me feel. She also explained what I could do while I was being checked to be more relaxed so I wouldn't be as uncomfortable and it wouldn't be as painful! I wish she could deliver our little boy!!!

Anywho, at our appointment this past Tuesday we found out that we are 1cm dilated and 30-40% effaced!!! Woohoo! I'm trying not to get too excited because I know several women that were dilated this way for 2 weeks, but I also know a few others who wam-bam-thank you-ma'am continued dilating quickly and had their baby a day or two later! I wish that had been us this week, but it seems like this little one wants to "cook" a little longer. Our next appointment is with the actual doctor I'd love to deliver our son, so I'm hoping things actually turn out that way and he's not on vacation or something. Oh yeah, before I go, I also found out the results of my Group B strep test--it was positive--so as soon as my water breaks I have to come in to the hospital where they will hook an IV up to me and run an antibiotic to prevent the baby from receiving it, if he's born vaginally. And, our little one is teeter-tottering just under 7lbs! As always, check out the rest of his development below.

Courtesy of

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Preggo Stats--37 Weeks

How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 11 (I gained three pounds from all that hearty Thanksgiving food!!!)
How big is baby: The size of a winter melon
Maternity Clothes: Yup! I just got some wintery/Christmas-y clothes--a turtleneck, red cardigan, and silver sequined shirt (you'll see this outfit in the next post) but what's great is that none of those items are maternity so I'll be able to wear them after the baby's born.
Sleep: Getting worse! I feel like a zombie most mornings--groggy and all out of sorts because I'm not getting enough sleep and what I am getting isn't good.
Best moment this week: Having a Happy 26th Birthday :-)
Movement: Despite not having as much room, he's still a pretty active fella.
Food cravings: Moose tracks ice-cream(thanks Mom & Dad)!
Food aversions: None this week.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None and still no Braxton Hicks (which surprises me)!
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep!
What I'm not loving: That we still have three weeks of school! Long car rides: we went to get our glider this week and I couldn't handle the hour ride to Roanoke! 
What I’m looking forward to: That we only have three weeks left of school! Getting our Christmas decorations up! I love this time of year!
What I'm loving: We got our Christmas tree--it makes the house smell amazing!
Milestone(s): (1) We FINALLY got a glider (see picture)! This was the one item Adam really wanted and we've had the most difficult time finding one since we refused to pay for a brand new one that would cost too much! Adam finally found one from a lady off Craiglist in Roaonke for $60 with an ottoman, too! We drove up Thursday night and got it, it's perfect--the size is a bit larger so it's more comfortable and the material is super soft! Way to go hubbs! (2) The nursery is finally complete (a post to come on that later)!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Baby's Development - Week 37

**Disclaimer: this post contains some embarrassing info; I'm just being honest about the latest doctor's visit...proceed if you dare!

Geez Louise we've made it full term! Praise the Lord! At this point, if our little fella decides to show up he'd be able to leave the hospital with us when it's time to go. Our next appointment is a few days away and I'm excited to see whether or not we've dilated or effaced any! It's hard to believe we have less than 3 weeks until he could possibly be here--thankfully we at least know for sure he'll be born before the end of this month so he'll be a 2012 baby! And, can you believe today's December 1st?! I finished the last of my Saturday classes, so at least I'm good to go for meeting re-certification requirements for the next five years! It'll be interesting to see if I stay at BHS in the next five years or if God will have other plans.

In the meantime, we met our goal of having everything ready for the baby before December--the last thing we really wanted/needed was a glider w/ottoman--and praise the Lord we found one in Roanoke for $60 and it's in the BEST condition of any we've seen! Wahoo! With everything ready, I'm hoping this means we'll be able to enjoy the last of our time together as a couple before the baby arrives!

Also, I had an appointment on my birthday (which kind of sucked but oh well)--it was the first one Adam wasn't able to make it to so I was a bit uneasy to begin with. Well, the doctor I saw wasn't the one of my choice--he doesn't have bedside manners, but I was stuck with him for this week. His nurse came in all cheerful to say that he would be checking my cervix, and forgive me for saying this, but I thought all he would do was look down at my lady parts; I had no idea he would jab, yes JAB his fingers up inside of me (btw I found out I wasn't dilated or effaced any)!!! Let's just say I wanted to crawl in a hole and die! He gave no mention of what he would do and what to expect and it hurt like crazy! What a jerk! I know it made my husband feel terrible, too since he couldn't be there and had to hear me complain of this second hand, but let me be clear, I will not be seeing this doctor for the rest of our pregnancy and I pray to God he's noth the one that delivers our little boy! Welp, now that you've got the lowdown on our latest appointment, it's time for me to run--the hubbs is about to get off work and we're gonna go get our Christmas tree! As always, check out our little fella's progress below!

Courtesy of