Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It was an itsy bitsy thing called a virus...

Adam is was sick today yesterday. Like really sick. I will spare you the details as to what was going on with his body, but it's the first time he's truly been so sick, which meant, yep a visit to the doctor. The men in Adam's family, are pretty adamant about not going to the doctor, because it's frowned upon, like you're a wimp or something. Needless to say, when you're hovered over a trashcan or toilet and your body is wrenching from the pain, a visit to the doctor doesn't seem so bad.

Well obviously at this point Adam did concede and go to the doctor, and thankfully the nurse took a swab in his nose and discovered that the swab tested negative for the flu--praise God! She did however say that he does have a viral infection, she's just not sure which strand since our area alone has seen six different kinds over the past 6-8 weeks. And that the one she has seen most recently take people 4-6 days to get over, yikes! Thankfully, and boy do I mean thankfully, despite the fact that I work in the public school system, I have yet to get sick--knock on wood--and it's been a blessing! I will continue to keep good hygiene practices in my classroom and make sure that wherever you are, do the same. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly with warm/hot soapy water for 20-30s and sanitize anything that carries a higher risk of spreading germs!

Now did you really think I'd end this post without updating you on Adam's progress?! Adam's doing much better and his fever broke a couple of hours ago! He's keeping liquid and food down. He still feels weak and probably won't go in to work tomorrow, but praise the Lord he didn't suffer from dehydration and is well on his way to getting back to his old wonderful self!

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