The door to my classroom! |
Student's desks and my ActivBoard |
best job ever! Now grant it, those of you who know me well, know that my experience at Charles City has been tough, and I haven't thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Of course each school district will have its problems, that comes with the territory, so I'm not so much as naive to believe that any other district will be perfect. I do however, love my job! I enjoy preparing lesson plans, looking for new material, but most of all I enjoy the impact that I can have on students, as a Christian! Day after day students come up to me telling me their problems, asking for guidance and time and time again I always point them back to the cross, to Jesus Christ. Because without that relationship everything else is minuscule and futile -- exactly how teaching WOULD be if it weren't for the fact that the Lord has called me to do this.
My desk and bulletin board |
Bookshelves/Closet |
Chalkboard/TV |
I don't blog much about my career. I guess I'd always been afraid of the idea that someone from the district or school would see it. But after stumbling upon some of my friend's blogs and realizing that I could blog without invading privacy I think I'll be more open to the idea. Of course if I ever do blog I will not use the real names of my students (if I use any names at all) and I will not post pictures of them. However, I do want to share with you what my classroom looks like. These pictures were taken at the start of the school year so ignore the bulletin board, it has since been updated and is a beautiful spring picture with a rainbow and a leprechaun chillin' with a pot of gold at the end. You'd think that by that description I teach at the elementary level, but in actuality I teach high school history.
About a week ago I posted about
opportunity and the fact that Adam and I are looking for direction. Well not too soon after that, I actually had received notice that there's an anticipated high school history position in Mathews County and yesterday (I'll tell you about this later) I discovered that there's an opening at my old high school for a history position as well. I can hardly believe that both schools have anticipated positions open. Adam and I had already been praying about Mathews and now we're praying about Bassett, too. We would just ask for you to be prayerful with us, that God would blatantly open or close the door where we should or should not go because above all else we want to remain faithful to Him. Let me leave you with my favorite verse:
Psalm 25:4-5 (New International Version, ©2011)
4 Show me your ways, LORD,
teach me your paths.
5 Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.