Total weight gain: 8 (probably more now that I've had my fill of platefuls of Thanksgiving food)!
How big is baby: The
size of a honeydew melon
Maternity Clothes: Yup!
Sleep: I had the best night's sleep at our friends the Vaughan's house, but ever since it's been kind of crappy (which I knew was something to expect)

Movement: TONS -- especially after eating Thanksgiving food!
Food cravings: Ham and stuffing which was graciously eaten this week!
Food aversions: Celery--it was in Granny's stuffing and I couldn't eat it :-(
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: None and still no Braxton Hicks (which surprises me)!
Belly button in or out: In
What I miss: Good sleep!
What I'm not loving: That we still have four weeks of school! And car rides! I found out that the trip coming home from Mobjack nearly drove me insane so we can say for sure we won't be taking any more trips until this fella arrives!
What I’m looking forward to: That we only have four weeks of school! And my birthday--I'll be the whopping 2-6 this year!
What I'm not loving: That we still have four weeks of school! And car rides! I found out that the trip coming home from Mobjack nearly drove me insane so we can say for sure we won't be taking any more trips until this fella arrives!
What I’m looking forward to: That we only have four weeks of school! And my birthday--I'll be the whopping 2-6 this year!
What I'm loving: Thanksgiving leftovers! We have less than a month to go until the due date and only one month until Christmas!
Milestone(s): We received some lovely gifts from some family that didn't make it to the baby shower in October and they were some BIG ones: a swing and a bassinet! Thank you Kim, Dru, Allison, and Ashley!