Well, unlike most of you, Adam and I decided to keep it rather quiet. We spent the night at my parent's place, ordered the best pizza in town, and watched "Super 8" which was interesting, then we fell asleep just after kissing at midnight. Adam's family usually has a game night and at the strike of twelve, will bang on pots and yell across the creek with a boisterous "Happy New Year!" I missed not being at the Davis household this year, but it sure was nice just taking it easy.
Unlike last year, which began with good intentions, this year, instead of using that word
resolutions, I think I'll just say I plan on being more intentional. Instead of making
(there's that word, again), I'd rather have goals I'm continually
working toward; some are my own and others are those of mine and my
husband's. So, without further ado, here's what you've been waiting for!
2012 Personal Goals:
-be intentional (follow through with what you say and do)
-read Scripture daily;
study it as well
-simplify life!
-watch less TV
-use the Internet purposefully, not idly
-live frugally; spend less money, save more
-take Zumba classes at the Y; play Just Dance & Dance Central (3-4 times per week)
-spend more time outside
-write actual letters
-cook more homemade meals
-be crafty
Next, I'll tell you about the goals Adam and I have as a couple! Keep reading!