Wow! It has been incredibly too long since I last posted! I failed to post much due to the stress and overtake of my life because of my job: school! I got a job teaching World History II, Government, and Sociology at Charles City High School in Charles City, VA. It's located 30 minutes east of Richmond and 30 minutes west of Williamsburg. The school is extremely small; there are roughly 50 students that make up our senior class, altogether there are 298 students in the entire school! Because this is my first year teaching it has been more than stressful with the addition of having planned a wedding, too! However I don't think, well I know I could not have survived the rest of this year without my husband! (Catch up time on marriage is coming up shortly)!
Teaching has taught me so much about myself as a person, and it has truly pushed me out of my comfort zone. I remember thinking last summer that I would love for God to use me, and well He's definitely brought me to an area that needs His light. I am by no means perfect in attempting and facing this challenge, but it has been quite the challenge indeed and hasn't been the most pleasant experience. My students have toughened me up; I am no longer "fearful" of putting students in their place and writing referrals. But I have also learned to think WAY outside of the box so that I can bring new strategies to the table of differentiation. I so much desire to be a teacher that at the end of the year has students discussing how much they learned and enjoyed my class, but only time will tell. And thank the Lord above we only have 40 days left of school! I am overjoyed at the thought of having uninterrupted time to myself this summer without the worrying of creating lesson plans, developing and creating activities, etc.
But before I continue daydreaming of summer, as a little reminder or notification for those who do not know, SOLs are coming up in the next month so needless to say I'm a little anxious. I want all of my students to do well and pass 1) for themselves so they do not have to repeat this course and can earn an advanced diploma and 2) so it'll be a good reflection on me and all the hard work I've done this year! So please pray that on May 18th my students will not be intimidated and will achieve exceedingly good scores or simply put: will pass! What a joy it is to share my concerns! Until we catch up again, be blessed and rely on the Lord!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Adam's Proposal (June 6, 2009)
I guess I’ve been avoiding typing up everything as of late. In fact, it’s been months since I last actually posted, again. I regret that I have not been more consistent in keeping you informed of my lif e. I suppose the best place to start is to pick up right where I left off, except skim over some of the hogde pogde of the everyday. I had had a horrible week and a horrible time deciding if I should accept an interview back in Henry County for a teaching position. I had already been there once for one interview, and just felt deep down inside I wasn’t gonna be given the position (which I did not receive—no surprise there), so when it came to going down a second time I wasn’t completely sure it’s what I should do. Given the situation, stress, and worry of this decision, I did all I could, pray. Surprisingly, praying didn’t make me feel better. I prayed and asked that if God wanted me to move back home, even if it meant taking me out of my comfort zone and making me uncomfortable, as long as I felt peace then I would do it; however, I didn’t feel that way at all. I did not feel any sort of peace. So the future that I thought I had planned out became one of uncertainty. I w as scared and unsure; this all having developed over the period of two weeks. I needed a break.
My break came when after working at the yacht club, on Saturday, June 6, 2009 I got off, read, and simply caught up on more prayer. Around five that evening I received a text message from my sweetheart, Adam, stating that he was cleaning up and would text me to figure out what we were doing later that evening. Well assuming I had free time on my hands, I read some more, not keeping track of the hour, and then decided to talk a walk down the lane.
As I got near the end of the driveway, I heard the familiar sound of a beat up muffler coming down the lane. It turned out to be Adam. As he pulled to a stop, at the corner of the lane and the driveway, he stopped the car and waited for a few seconds before stepping out of the vehicle. When he did, he caught my breath. He looked pretty doggone handsome in dark jeans, brown K-swiss shoes, a gray t-shirt, and ¾ sleeve button-up striped blue/yellow shirt I had bought him a few weeks previous to this night. Unbeknown to me, Adam, a week and a half before, during Memorial Day weekend, went across the river into Yorktown and shopped for an engagement ring! So back to the driveway, it took him a minute to nearly get out of the car because he was trying to hide the ring! He had brought it with him and wasn’t expecting to find me in the driveway/lane out for a walk, so he did the best he could and quickly stuffed it down his pants. :-P As he stood and walked over to me, the ring (which was in the box) fell to his ankle. Now remember, I had no idea any of this was going on, so when he got out of the car, my initial reaction was, “Wow! You look awfully snazzy! What are you doing all dressed up?” I know you’ve had a hard week and we haven’t been out on a date in a while so I’m taking you out,” he said matter-of-factly. He melted my heart and I’m sure you could read it all over my face as it broke into a smile. J I was still undeterred by this announcement and wanted to finish my walk so we ended up walking the lane together. Yet again, unbeknown to me, poor Adam was struggling and trying to make sure the ring wouldn’t fall out of his pants. He later said that he kept turning his head and looking around as well as adjusting his pants leg to check and make sure the ring was still there and hadn’t fallen out!
After the walk we hopped in his car and he drove us down the driveway to his parents’ house where I decided that since he looked so good for our date that I had to, too! I went upstairs and changed clothes while he ended up taking the box the ring was in and stuffed it down into his sock so it was sure to stay put. As we made our way across the river nothing seemed out of the ordinary except when he got a text message or two and fussed at me for trying to answer it for him. When we finally got in to Yorktown he took me to Red Lobster and told me I could order anything I wanted! Well of course its Red Lobster so what did I do? Order snow crab legs and a lobster tail; after all, it’s not every day you have seafood! We each had a delicious meal. The only setback: the freezing cold air that came out of a vent above our heads kept my feet cold all night long. (Be sure to keep in mind where the ring is at this point!) So he graciously wrapped his feet around mine, which by the way, did keep mine nice and warm. However, at his end of the table he was freaking out thinking I would hit the ring (which I did) but thankfully I never had the slightest idea.
After dinner, we meandered through the mall as it closed and then back to Borders where we each briefly glazed over magazines and books that did the least to catch our attention. After leaving the mall Adam suggested going to see the movie “Up.” However, since I had to work the next day, I chose to opt out of the movie and enjoy the rest of the evening by playing a game with his family. As we crossed over from the Gloucester into Mathews County line, Adam called his roommate, Marcus asking him if he wanted to hang out. I thought this was silly because, first of all Adam & Marcus rarely discuss their plans to meet up and hang out, it’s just something they do. I thought it odd, but again nothing too strange to make me think otherwise.
Finally, we pulled in the lane and Adam asked me to close my eyes. At this point I definitely knew something was going on. He parked the car to the left of the house, and made his way to my door where he helped me out and lead me over to the red bus which was a few feet away. *As a side note, to those of you who do not know, the bus is actually an old yellow school bus that Adam and his brothers, Luke and Joel, and best friend Kyle bought in high school, painted red, and refurnished as an RV—and p.s. Adam loves this red bus!* So as he pulled me along behind him, we climbed the stairs and stood on the bus and he then asked me to open my eyes.

Monday, April 13, 2009
Love Never Fails
"Love is not proud
Love does not boast
Love, after all, matters the most
Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep locked inside
Love is a river that flows through
And love never fails you
Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease at the end of time
And love will protect
Love always hopes
And love still believes when you don't
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you"
This is "Love Never Fails" by Brandon Heath. I've had this song stuck in my head a few days now, and felt I should share it with you. With it's mellow tunes played from a cello, acoustic guitar, violin and subtle drums, this song is an encouraging melody to remind you of how aMaZiNgLy good is our Father in Heaven.
Love does not boast
Love, after all, matters the most
Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep locked inside
Love is a river that flows through
And love never fails you
Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease at the end of time
And love will protect
Love always hopes
And love still believes when you don't
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you"
This is "Love Never Fails" by Brandon Heath. I've had this song stuck in my head a few days now, and felt I should share it with you. With it's mellow tunes played from a cello, acoustic guitar, violin and subtle drums, this song is an encouraging melody to remind you of how aMaZiNgLy good is our Father in Heaven.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Post Graduation

Last I had posted I was unsure of where God was leading me, and I was still student teaching. So to catch you up, I ended my first placement of student teaching on October 3rd and started my second placement on October 6th. My second placement was at Graham High School with Mrs. Peggy Scott, teaching U.S. History to juniors. I was apprehensive and nervous about having an older group of students, but as the weeks flew by, I loved every minute of that experience! It was such a joy and blessing to work with everyone at Graham. My students were great, Mrs. Scott ever helpful and encouraging, and the faculty/staff friendly and eager to share stories as well as give helpful advice. Of the two experiences, I am so thankful that I had the worst first and the best second. God definitely blessed me in that situation!
Student teaching taught me so much. There are so many experiences that showed me how to better reach people, as well as how exciting it is to see students learn and get excited about History! After completing all the requirements for student teaching, I finally, after all the hard work of 3 1/2 years at college, graduated with honors (Magna Cum Laude) on December 13, 2008 alongside some of my greatest friends :-) It was such a joy and honor to graduate from college. I felt proud and thankful that the Lord had taken care of me and allowed me to do so. He is good! And I'm especially thankful for all the support of my friends and family. They have made these some of the best years of my life!
Student teaching taught me so much. There are so many experiences that showed me how to better reach people, as well as how exciting it is to see students learn and get excited about History! After completing all the requirements for student teaching, I finally, after all the hard work of 3 1/2 years at college, graduated with honors (Magna Cum Laude) on December 13, 2008 alongside some of my greatest friends :-) It was such a joy and honor to graduate from college. I felt proud and thankful that the Lord had taken care of me and allowed me to do so. He is good! And I'm especially thankful for all the support of my friends and family. They have made these some of the best years of my life!
Surprisingly, I was ready to graduate. I thought I'd never feel that way, but God's timing is indeed perfect and I'm happy to say that it felt right to finally be done. However, do not be misled, for I truly miss all the wonderful people I have come to know and love at Bluefield College! And although I have graduated, I know that this will not be the last time I see or hear from them; just as I have kept in touch with other Bluefield Alums before me. The friendships I made in Bluefield are the kind of friends that I know I'll keep in touch with for the rest of my life. Their friendships will last far beyond my days in the dorm of Rish, or Wednesday mornings spent in convocation, and fun-filled nights spent in the SAC.
Now, nearly three months have passed since graduation! The holidays were split between time with my family and time with Adam. After the new year, on January 10th, I moved in with the Davis family and have been staying with them since then. Some may see this decision as impulsive and rash, but it has turned out to be a wonderful blessing--not only in my relationship with Adam, but in my relationship with the Lord as well. My parents, whom I thought were ready for an empty nest, proved otherwise and this move has made me value them even more since I see less of them now. *I do hope that within the next month I'll be happy to make a trip out there to see them* Despite our nation's economic crisis, I have put in applications in five different counties and have been subbing for Mathews County only. Though my licensure to teach is in 6-12 History, I have subbed at the local elementary school three times and the middle school twice. I am hoping that I will be called more often, but we'll see how things go! I did put an application in at the Mathews Yacht Club, and praise the Lord, I got a job there as a waitress/hostess/kitchen staff! I start this Friday and am eager to begin, so for those of you reading this, please keep me in your prayers!
Bluefield College,
student teaching,
substitute teaching
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